The disciples walk and talked and ate with Jesus every day. They were eye witnesses to his miracles. The blind could see, the lame jumped with joy with their healing. He fed the thousands on the hillside. The disciples saw, heard and felt it all. They became so familiar with his miracles they forgot who HE WAS.
Shortly after the feeding of the thousands on the hillside, Jesus and his disciples got into a boat and Jesus said let's go to the other side. It was night, and a terrible storm came up tossing the boat back and forth, wind howling, water coming in the boat, and Jesus was asleep on a mat. The terrified men, ask Jesus if He cared that they die in the storm. He calmed the storm with a word, and told his men how little faith they had. They forgot WHO HE WAS! God Almighty, Creator of the Universe. Jesus said, as they started out in the boat they would go to the other side. That should have been enough, but they forgot WHO HE WAS!
Dear Lord, increase my little faith, so I will never forget who YOU ARE and what YOU can DO! The storms of life are so real, so scary, so huge, but You have told us in your Word, that you are with us and will NEVER leave us, so give me faith to believe that in every circumstance of my life. I love You. Amen
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