Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

praying for the desire to pray and converse with God

Prayer is conversation with God, learning about God, and remembering God. As an act it is beyond the ability of no one; anyone who can speak and think can pray. No great learning is required in order to pray, and fortunately you don’t have to be a saint; but you do need to have a desire for God. Prayer requires an act of will; we must make a decision to pray and struggle with the problems of perseverance and distraction that will occur. If you only pray when you feel like it, you will pray very little.


Source: Keiser, Michael. 2007. A Beginner’s Guide to Spirituality: The Orthodox Path to a Deeper Relationship with God

Lord Jesus, increase my desire to pray to you.
Help me to want to pray, and have the discipline to do so.
Help keep distractions away that hinder my prayers.
Help me know that when I do this, I will be blessed because my relationship with You will deepen

In Your Name, Jesus


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