Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

a prayer for blind spots


In this increasingly divisive time, it's becoming more and more difficult to see others who disagree with us with truthful hearts. We speak to one another in ways that dishonor Imago Dei. We view "the other side" as evil and demonic. We believe our way is the only way.

Father, help us to see our own blind spots. Open our eyes to where we are wrong, to where we have sinned, to where we can do better to honor You. Humble us, O Lord, reminding us we are dependent upon You. Remind us we don't have it all figured out, and show us where we need to have our own hearts and minds changed. May we know what pleases You, and revealed to us where we have been deceived. Show us how to see others who have been deceived with compassion and not with a sense of self-righteousness.

Give us eyes to see others with the truth. Give us Your eyes to see others and to the see the world: with compassion, mercy, justice, heartbreak, and love. Teach us to discern truth, to speak truth with love, but most importantly: teach us to listen. Teach us to listen to You and to others.



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