Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

a prayer of confession

Dear Heavenly Father,

We come boldly to your throne of grace today because Jesus went gladly to the cross of Calvary for us. We praise, bless, and worship you for so great a salvation and so loving a Savior. Even as we confess Christ, so we also confess our sins and rebellion.

Forgive us for attitudes and actions that sabotage beauty and intimacy. 

Forgive us for speaking words that have labeled, shamed, and harmed others.

Forgive us for covering our sins while exposing the sins of others. 

Forgive us for wasting our pain in self-pity and our fears on worry. 

Forgive us for spending ore time king a name for ourselves than relishing the new names you've given us: "Forgiven, Beloved, Mine."

We offer our prayers, humbly and gratefully, in Jesus name. 

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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