Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Fill us so we may pour out

Creator God, source of all good things,

Author of all created beings, of all joy and happiness,
We are grateful you've made us to worship you.

Make us a people that provide...

comfort for all those who mourn,
restoration to those caught in sin,
hope to those in despair
joy to those in sorrow,
and love to those who have wandered far.

Blow away the ashes of unbelief by the breath of the Spirit, 
and give us light, fire, and the warmth of love.

We need spiritual and physical comforts that are...


comforts that slow our minds and bodies into surrender before You, 
so that we may rest in Your presence. 

Fill the garden of our souls with the wind of love,
that the scents of the Christian life may be wafted to others;
so they may come and gather what each needs.


(Adapted from "Things Needful" by the Valley of Vision)

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