Father, help us realize that you have called into a relationship of love. Help us to freely receive your love and give ourselves wholly to you. In the same way, give us the grace to give ourselves to others in love and receive love from them. Amen
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Who can separate you from My love? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? NO! In all these things you are more than a conqueror through Me because I love you. Nothing in all creation will ever be able to separator you from My love that is in Christ Jesus your Lord. (Rom. 8:35)
Dear Heavenly Father, one thing is so sure and so constant and that is your love for your children, through our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. You told us in this world we would have trouble, and we do. But you have also told us to be strong and courageous. Not to be afraid for You are with us. You live with us and walk with us, and in light of these promises, Lord help us to keep ourselves pure from everything that contaminates body and spirit and walk in holiness our of reverence for You. We love and adore You, we bow down before You. May you be glorified and honored in our lives this day. Amen.
Image from googleimages.com
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1 Chronicles 27:33 (NIV) 33 …..Hushai
the Arkite was the king's friend.
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as I think of King David and how he was surrounded by a great variety of people
who sustained him on the battle field and in city life. All played their strategic
roll from servants to counselors. None were more important to him than Hushai. Father,
to be singled out and distinguished as the friend of King David was not only a
great honor but also an acknowledgement of his personal value to David. We can
be many things to people but to be their friend is truly special. And Father
you gave Hushai to David as a gift to express your love and kindness to him. A
friend who was both wise and honest. What a blessing and encouragement he must
have been to David.
how thankful I am for the gracious friends you have brought into my life. My
wife, children, extended family, friends near and far, all incredibly important
to me and without whom life would be a void too lonely to imagine. Thank you,
Father, for all of my beloved friends, and especially for Jesus the friend of
all who will embrace him.
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Be glorified!
"For thy mercy is great unto the heavens,
and thy truth unto the clouds.
Be thou exalted, O God, above the
heavens; let they glory be above all the earth."
(Psalm 57:10-11)
Be glorified and exalted in all we do and say today, O Lord. May our words and our actions bring honor to your Name. May our thoughts be only thoughts that would edify and encourage. May our walk of faith match our talk of faith and bring glory to You. Minister to needy hearts and hurting souls. Send your healing balm to those in need of a mighty touch from your Hand. Empower us to be who you intend us to be for your kingdom sake. Thank you for loving us and for caring for us and for giving us the precious gift of salvation through your Son, Jesus Christ.
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Father, where there is pain, bring healing. Where there is strife, bring peace. Where there is separation, bring reconciliation. Where there is sin, bring forgiveness. Where there is discord, give grace. Where there is brokenness, grant wholeness. In the name of Jesus and for the sake of your Kingdom we pray. Amen
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Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.
See our Sorrow, Hear our Groans
Sometimes when we are overwhelmed with sorrow and grief from the terrible things that are happening in our country, we just fall on our faces and are reminded that when we cannot find words to pray, the Holy Spirit takes our tears and groans and translates them into prayers to the Father. That's where my heart is today. Will you join me in silence, and let the Holy Spirit pray for us.
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1 Samuel 30:3-4 (NIV)
So David and his men wept aloud until they had no strength left to weep.
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So David and his men wept aloud until they had no strength left to weep.
we weep with those in Boston who have suffered such immeasurable pain and grief
nearly beyond consolation. The loss of loved ones never to be seen again in
this life. The loss of limbs that will be a perpetual reminder of a joyous day
turned into madness by malicious, evil men. Physical scares that mark the bodies
of innocent people watching friends finish a marathon then running for their
own lives.
mourn with them and pray for your peace alone that passes all understanding. We
pray for your justice to prevail, your grace to intercede and your love to
sustain each and every one who goes through this deep valley of death. You are
our God, our Savior and our closest friend. You are with us in all places. Even
when we can weep no longer in our weakness your strength sustains us.
you Father for your presence with us and your help in our time of need.
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Praying for our Enemies
Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy on me, a sinner. Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, on all of us, sinners.
Father, we don’t know who was behind the tragedies in Boston, but we do know that they were human. And we know we are to pray for our enemies.
In Jesus we see humanity’s true identity as ones who are to be agents of life, not death. Jesus, as first of New Creation, invites all humanity to reflect and participate in New Creation.
Despite humanity’s sacred identity, evil often reveals itself through humanity. We must return to what we were created to be. May those behind this event return to who they were created to be.
We pray specifically that those involved in this violence return to their shared humanity as they confront the violence brought on fellow humans as a result of their actions. We pray that we don’t lose ours in the midst of it all.
May we embrace our vocation as peacemakers who are to be agents of restoration and reconciliation rather than divisiveness, enmity and violence.
We pray for a collective grieving that fuels our ability to live with compassion, generosity and wholeness.
We plead for your justice to reign as we announce and promote your Kingdom reign through our words and deeds.
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, amen.
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Father, we don’t know who was behind the tragedies in Boston, but we do know that they were human. And we know we are to pray for our enemies.
In Jesus we see humanity’s true identity as ones who are to be agents of life, not death. Jesus, as first of New Creation, invites all humanity to reflect and participate in New Creation.
Despite humanity’s sacred identity, evil often reveals itself through humanity. We must return to what we were created to be. May those behind this event return to who they were created to be.
We pray specifically that those involved in this violence return to their shared humanity as they confront the violence brought on fellow humans as a result of their actions. We pray that we don’t lose ours in the midst of it all.
May we embrace our vocation as peacemakers who are to be agents of restoration and reconciliation rather than divisiveness, enmity and violence.
We pray for a collective grieving that fuels our ability to live with compassion, generosity and wholeness.
We plead for your justice to reign as we announce and promote your Kingdom reign through our words and deeds.
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, amen.
... from Jon Huckins at the Red Letter Christians blog.
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no weapon...
"No weapon that is formed against
me shall prosper; and every tongue
that shall rise against thee in judgement
thou shalt condemn. This is the
heritage of the servants of the LORD,
and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD"
(Isaiah 54:17)
Thank you, Lord, that you are our fortress and our shield. Thank you that we have the promise in your Word that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. We are so grateful for your mighty arm of protection on us daily. We are so thankful for your loving and tender care of us. You are gracious and merciful. You are powerful and strong. You are the lover of our souls.
Thank you, sweet Jesus, for eternal life. And for hope. And for the joy that comes only from you.
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Third Week of Easter
Creator of the universe,
you made the world in beauty,
and restore all things in glory
through the victory of Jesus Christ.
We pray that, wherever your image is still disfigured
by poverty, sickness, selfishness, war and greed,
the new creation in Jesus Christ may appear in justice, love, and peace,
to the glory of your name. Amen.
Revised Common Lectionary
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you made the world in beauty,
and restore all things in glory
through the victory of Jesus Christ.
We pray that, wherever your image is still disfigured
by poverty, sickness, selfishness, war and greed,
the new creation in Jesus Christ may appear in justice, love, and peace,
to the glory of your name. Amen.
Revised Common Lectionary
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John 7:37-38 "On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from withing him."
As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, Son of God, I yearn for Your living water. My spirit is parched until You fill me with the water of Your Spirit. My vitality ebbs away until Your stream of water flows within me, never to run dry. Nothing but Your water of life will satisfy my deepest thirst. Come and fill my thirsty heart, O Christ. Let my cup overflow with You. I love you. Amen.
"The heart is as insatiable as the grave till
Jesus enters it, and then it is
a cup full to overflowing."
~~Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892)
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2 Kings 17:7 & 13-14 (NLT)
“ 7 This disaster came upon the people of Israel because they worshiped other gods. They sinned against the LORD their God, who had brought them safely out of Egypt and had rescued them from the power of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. 13 Again and again the LORD had sent his prophets and seers to warn both Israel and Judah: “Turn from all your evil ways. Obey my commands and decrees—the entire law that I commanded your ancestors to obey, and that I gave you through my servants the prophets.” 14 But the Israelites would not listen……..”
“ 7 This disaster came upon the people of Israel because they worshiped other gods. They sinned against the LORD their God, who had brought them safely out of Egypt and had rescued them from the power of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. 13 Again and again the LORD had sent his prophets and seers to warn both Israel and Judah: “Turn from all your evil ways. Obey my commands and decrees—the entire law that I commanded your ancestors to obey, and that I gave you through my servants the prophets.” 14 But the Israelites would not listen……..”
how complicated and catastrophic life became for Israel because they simply wouldn’t
listen to you. And yet this problem is not unique to them. We see it all around
us to day. Disregard for your word, disobedience to your will, and dishonor to
your Name.
help us not to ignore the history of your grace nor the necessity of your
discipline. You are holy, may we be mindful of that. You are powerful, may we
be fearful of that. You are loving, may we be in awe that.
you have spoken in creation, through your Son and by Your Word. Help us to
listen and to live in obedience to you. Help us to remember that we are not
immune from the consequences of our behavior. Help us to experience the truth
of Romans 12:2
“ Don’t
copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a
new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s
will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2 (NLT)”
help us to listen while we have time before we learn after it is too late.
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give us a heart
"If we say that we have no sin,
we deceive ourselves, and
the truth is not in us"
(1 John 1:8)
Lord, give us a heart to acknowledge our sin. Give us the wisdom to see our sin. Help us to realize that the only way we can move forward in our spiritual walk is to keep ourselves purified and cleansed through the washing of your Word. Keep us humble. Keep us hungry for the Word. And keep us constantly aware of the condition of our hearts so that we can do what is pleasing in your eyes.
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Covenant Prayer
I am no longer my own, but thine.
Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt.
Let me be employed for thee or laid aside for thee,
exalted for thee or brought low for thee.
Let me be full, let me be empty.
Let me have all things, let me have nothing.
I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal.
And now, O glorious and blessed God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
thou art mine, and I am thine.
So be it. Amen.
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Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt.
Let me be employed for thee or laid aside for thee,
exalted for thee or brought low for thee.
Let me be full, let me be empty.
Let me have all things, let me have nothing.
I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal.
And now, O glorious and blessed God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
thou art mine, and I am thine.
So be it. Amen.
...excerpts from John Wesley's Covenant Prayer
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Father, we thank you that Jesus was resurrected. He entered death and hell for us and came out victorious. We no longer need fear death because we have been raised with Christ. Help us to live in the power of the Resurrection as the new creation we are. Amen
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Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.
John 10:14~18 "I am the Good Shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me ~~just as the Father knows me and I know the Father ~~and lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there will be one flock and one shepherd. The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life ~~only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father."
Dear Jesus, how tenderly You care for me, my Shepherd. When I hear your reassuring voice I know that I am secure. When I wander far away, You search for me, You hoist me upon Your strong shoulders, rejoicing that I have been found. You are the gate that leads to the fold of salvation. You are the fold in which I find safety. When I am in danger, You lay down Your own life for me. You give me the gift of life, life to the full. Oh to know You, gracious Shepherd, and to be known by You. This is true life. My heart is filled with gratitude. I love you. Amen!
I look to the Shepherd,
He meets all my needs;
Beside the still waters
He faithfully leads.
Bringing peace to my soul
As His love makes me whole.
~~Walt Harrah (c1987)
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1 Peter 2:24 (ESV)
He himself bore our sins…….
Jesus, I am startled and astonished by that statement. “He himself bore our sins…”
I can hardly think the thought or utter the words: “He himself bore our sins…”
cannot lift my head or raise my eyes to behold such an unspeakable sight. I can
only respond as another sinner: “…the tax collector stood at a distance and dared not even lift his
eyes to heaven as he prayed. Instead, he beat his chest in sorrow, saying, ‘O
God, be merciful to me, for I am a sinner.’
Luke 18:13 (NLT)
Such mercy reaches beyond our need. It is the love that
defies dimension.
Lord Jesus enable us to “…. know this love that surpasses knowledge-- Ephesians 3:18-19 (NIV)
And Lord Jesus I think of the song with such appropriate
“I come to the
cross seeking mercy and grace. I come to the cross, where you died in my place.
Out of my weakness and into your strength, humbly, I come to the cross. Your arms
are open. You call me by name. You welcome this child that was lost. You paid
the price for my guilt and my shame, Jesus, I come to the cross.” Written by Bob Somma
and Bill Barstone
Lord Jesus, thank you for bearing my sin and
bringing forgiveness and healing to my soul. It is astonishing!
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Hurting Hearts
This day I bring my hurting friends before your throne. I pray for my friend whose son died suddenly on Monday. He was much too young, Lord. I ask comfort and wisdom for another friend whose son is dealing with relationship and child custody issues. And Father, I pray strength and perseverance for another set of friends as they face more unanticipated obstacles to seeing justice served int he murder of their father and two young brothers. I do pray for justice, Lord, and yet I know all things are in Your hand. Please give me wisdom as I speak to my friends. Please keep my tongue slow to speak and my arms swift to enfold.
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thank you for the WORD
Thank you, Lord for your precious Word. May we treasure it always. May we read it diligently. May we search the scriptures with a deep longing and intense hunger in our hearts. May we never take it for granted. Help us, Oh, Lord, to realize the majesty and power of your Word. Help us to hide it in our hearts that we might know you intimately and personally and be ready at all times to share the truth of it with others.
"...in that they received the WORD
with all readiness of mind, and searched
the scriptures daily, whether
those things were so."
(Acts 17:11)
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