Father, we give you thanks for the many blessings you give us. We thank you for each day that we live, for the air that we breath. We thank you for friends and family. We thank you for your grace and love to us, and for your salvation. We thank you for the ways you have taught us and the things you have brought us through. In the midst of our day-to-day, help us to be grateful for what you give us. Amen
Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.
~ ~ ~ LIKE A TREE ~ ~ ~
... He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields if fruit in season and who leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. ...For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish. (Psalms 1:3,6)
Dear Lord, I want to be that tree planted by Your streams of Living Water. Lord help me to bear fruit by the way I live my daily life. If there is a season I don't see fruit, help me to remain faithful. Thank you for watching over me, and some day there will be justice for those that reject you Son and and Love! Lord I'm so grateful for your refreshment in my life, for steams of living water that cools my soul, and gives me strength to go on. I love You. Amen.
Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.
Help us to spread your fragrance ...
Dear Jesus,
Help us to spread your fragrance everywhere we go,
flood our souls with your Spirit and life.
Penetrate and possess our whole being so utterly
that our lives may only be a radiance of yours.
Shine through us and be so in us that every soul
we come in contact with may feel your presence in our soul.
Let them look up and see no longer us but only Jesus.
Stay with us and then we shall begin to shine as you shine,
so to shine as to be light to others.
The light, O Jesus, will be all from you.
None of it will be ours.
It will be your shining on others through us.
Let us thus praise you in the way you love best
by shining on those around us.
Let us preach you without preaching not by words,
but by our example by the catching force the
sympathetic influence of what we do the evident
fullness of the love our hearts bear to you.
Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

flood our souls with your Spirit and life.
Penetrate and possess our whole being so utterly
that our lives may only be a radiance of yours.
Shine through us and be so in us that every soul
we come in contact with may feel your presence in our soul.
Let them look up and see no longer us but only Jesus.
Stay with us and then we shall begin to shine as you shine,
so to shine as to be light to others.
The light, O Jesus, will be all from you.
None of it will be ours.
It will be your shining on others through us.
Let us thus praise you in the way you love best
by shining on those around us.
Let us preach you without preaching not by words,
but by our example by the catching force the
sympathetic influence of what we do the evident
fullness of the love our hearts bear to you.
...a prayer of Mother Teresa
Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.
Thank You
Dear Lord,
Thank you. Thank you for the breath of life. Thank you for eyes to see, ears to hear, and the insight to know it all comes from You. Thank you for winter, spring, summer, and fall. Thank you for putting me in an area that experiences all four seasons in great beauty. Thank you for a fire in the wood stove on cold winter nights, and a fan overhead on sweltering summer afternoons. Thank you for the everyday days and boring moments. Thank you for holidays and special occasions full of noise and excitement. Thank you for times of healing, and thank you for times of pain and sorrow too. Thank you for music, and thank you for silence. Thank you for today and for tomorrow too.
Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.
Thank you. Thank you for the breath of life. Thank you for eyes to see, ears to hear, and the insight to know it all comes from You. Thank you for winter, spring, summer, and fall. Thank you for putting me in an area that experiences all four seasons in great beauty. Thank you for a fire in the wood stove on cold winter nights, and a fan overhead on sweltering summer afternoons. Thank you for the everyday days and boring moments. Thank you for holidays and special occasions full of noise and excitement. Thank you for times of healing, and thank you for times of pain and sorrow too. Thank you for music, and thank you for silence. Thank you for today and for tomorrow too.
Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.
thankful that He is our HOPE
Thank you sweet Lord, that you are our HOPE. And for that,
we are eternally grateful and thankful.
"In everything, give thanks..."
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.
Please pray for my son Josh, and his wife Alicia. She had a miscarriage Saturday afternoon. Our hearts are broken for them. Pray for comfort, grace and trust. Thank you.
Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.
Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.
Dear Lord, there are so many doors in life. So many choices have to be made daily. I pray today that you will open doors that will bring me closer to You and Your will for my life, and close all doors that would lead me away from You.
Lord for our children and grandchildren I pray. Open their spiritual eyes to see the doors that will lead to a relationship with you, and ears to hear You voice. Amen.
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock...." (Rev. 3:20)
Picture of doors taken in Boise ID
Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.
open your mouth wide
Too often we neglect the awesome privilege of prayer in our lives. We tend to forget that He desires for us to commune with Him. He desires for us to fling our hearts open wide to Him. He wants us to spend time on our faces crying out to Him.
When we bow before a holy God and pour our hearts out to Him, we open ourselves up to a HUGE revelation of His Spirit. When we cry out to Him in thanksgiving and praise and petition, He is ready to do some amazing things in our spiritual lives. Our God is just waiting for us to open up the lines of communication with Him. He wants us to want Him.
I challenge you to get prostrate before our sweet Savior and let your deepest longings be known to Him. Pour out. Cry out. Tell Him the intimacies of your heart and allow Him to do a mighty work in you. Get on your face in eager expectation of what He will reveal to your heart and spirit. He will never fail you. He will never leave you wanting. He will always supply just what you need.
"I am the LORD thy God, which brought
thee out of the land of Egypt; open thy mouth wide,
and I will fill it"
(Psalm 84:10)
Open your mouth wide today and let God fill it up with His goodness.
Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.
Prayer for Unity
Father, help your children to understand that our unity is in Christ alone, not in denomination, social class, or political party. Help us to realize that our mission is to make disciples of Jesus and spread your grace and love. Amen
Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.
Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.
A Prayer for Veterans Day
A Prayer for Veterans Day
Father, we could never thank our military men and women enough for their courageous service and sacrifice to our country and its people. Yet today we lift up our voices to express gratefulness and honor to these military troops both from the past and present. Show us ways in our communities, churches, and families to thank and love them better. Keep and protect these heroes and their families, in the powerful name of Jesus.
Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.
If my people...
"If my people, which are called by my name,
will humbles themselves and pray......"
2 Chronicles 7:14
Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.
Father, help us to find our joy in you. Whether things are going well, or we are experiencing trials, help us remember that we are part of a Kingdom that is already but not yet, that "everything sad is becoming untrue." Amen
Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.
Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.
Thankful for 75 years
Dear Lord, I am so thankful for this dear man, husband of 51 years, and love of my life. You know his family history, that his grandfather, father, brother and nephew all died before 50 with heart attacks. Yet, in your grace and mercy, you have let my dearest, and your servant celebrate 75 years, 50 of those in ministry. You sustained him through bypasses, stints and pacemakers, and you hold him in the palm of your hand. Today, I give you thanks for letting me be his wife, and share in the years of ministry. Your goodness overwhelms me. I love you. Amen.
Happy Birthday Darling!!!
Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.
Prayers for Storm Recovery
Twenty people have died recently as a hurricane swept through Staten Island, New York. I grew up there and still have relatives in that place who survived the storm but do not have power in their homes. So I ask you to join me in this prayer, offered by a Jewish group, for that island, the Jersey shore where I once lived and for all those who were and are affected by this awful storm.
We pray that those who suffer find comfort through their faith in You and through the loving kindness of those emergency workers and volunteers who have come to their aid.
We pray that those who have lost so much have the fortitude to rebuild their lives. Let us seek out ways to help them build their tents anew and make of them, once again, havens of healing and hospitality. May all who have been battered by this storm discover many hearts and hands open to them. None of us stands alone in times of trouble.
Blessed are You, Lord God. You are the Source of our strength.
Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.
We pray that those who suffer find comfort through their faith in You and through the loving kindness of those emergency workers and volunteers who have come to their aid.
We pray that those who have lost so much have the fortitude to rebuild their lives. Let us seek out ways to help them build their tents anew and make of them, once again, havens of healing and hospitality. May all who have been battered by this storm discover many hearts and hands open to them. None of us stands alone in times of trouble.
Blessed are You, Lord God. You are the Source of our strength.
Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.
The Storm
Dear Lord God,
It's been an incredibly difficult week for so many. There are those who have lost everything to the wind and sea, those who are struggling to find normalcy in life once again, and those who have lost loved ones to the storm. I think of the crew and family members of the HMS Bounty this day and lift them before Your throne.
There are no answers as to why. I pray for the mother whose two small sons were swept from her arms by the waves. There are no words to comfort her or her husband. I pray for those who have lost their homes and every earthly possession. I pray Your peace and comfort not only during the storm, but in the aftermath as well.
Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

There are no answers as to why. I pray for the mother whose two small sons were swept from her arms by the waves. There are no words to comfort her or her husband. I pray for those who have lost their homes and every earthly possession. I pray Your peace and comfort not only during the storm, but in the aftermath as well.
Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.
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