Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

A prayer for protection and direction

Lord, Be Thou within me, to strengthen me; Without me, to keep me; Above me, to protect me; Beneath me, to uphold me; Before me, to direct me; Behind me, to keep me from straying; Round about me, to defend me. Blessed be Thou, O Lord, our Father, for ever and ever. 

-Lancelot Andrewes (1555–1626)

Lancelot Andrewes was an important clergyman in the Church of England. He was a theological statesman and court preacher. His goal was to cause people to think about scripture and reawaken them. Andrewes was one of the translators for the King James version of the Bible.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

a prayer for peace

Heavenly Father,

Your good and gracious heart for Your people is the reason we are able to have peace.

While the world is in chaos, when violence is the norm and fighting is expected, we long for peace between all those created in Your image. When thank you for the peace Jesus brought between us and You. Glory to God in the Highest!

Show us ways to be at peace with others, give us hearts for loving and not fighting with those we disagree with, and give us an open spirit for peace to reign in our hearts at all times. 


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

a confession of trust

Dearest Father,

My life is hard and my days are lonely.
Even so, I will trust you Lord.

Sickness has consumed my world and tears adorn my eyes.
Even so, I will trust you Lord.

Friends have left me and I feel forsaken.
Even so, I will trust you Lord.

Each day seems darker than the day before.
Even so, I will trust you Lord.

I will trust you Lord because you love me.

I will trust you because your heart is good.

I will trust you knowing that you are with me.

I will trust you because I love you Jesus.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

a prayer to make a difference

Blessed Lord,

I confess that I too often overlook the people who need Your love and healing. Consumed with myself and my schedule, I don’t make time to listen for Your leading and to watch for opportunities to give Jesus to those around me.

Forgive me, Father.

In a world of lonely, frightened people, give me a heart that is broken for the things that break Yours. Give me compassion for a lost and dying world, for people You love. Give me an unquenchable love for Your gospel, for Your Son, for Your Word, for You. Use me to make an eternal difference in the lives of people all around me.

... from a prayer by Anne Graham Lotz    

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

open our hearts to your plan

Dear Father God,

Open our hearts to your plan for us so that we may live good lives.

You have given us family, friends and others who radiate your wisdom.

Open our hearts so that we may embrace their words of guidance.
Help us to be humble and loving towards all we may encounter. 

That our eyes and our hearts might be open to embrace your ways.
We pray in the name of Jesus.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

God may want to use you to answer your prayer

O Lord, I beseech thee, let now Thine ear be attentive to the prayer of Thy servant, and to the prayer of Thy servants, who desire to fear Thy name: and prosper, I pray thee, Thy servant this day, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man.—Nehemiah 1:11.

WHEN Nehemiah began to pray I have no idea that he thought he himself was to be the instrument in God’s hand of building the walls of Jerusalem. But when a man gets into sympathy and harmony with God, then God prepares him for the work He has for him. No doubt he thought the Persian king might send one of his great warriors and accomplish the work with a great army of men; but after he had been praying for months, it may be, the thought flashed into his mind:
“Why should not I go to Jerusalem myself and build those walls?”
Prayer for the work will soon arouse your own sympathy and effort.

Source: Moody, D. L. 1900. The D. L. Moody Year Book: A Living Daily Message from the Words of D. L. Moody. 

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

a prayer to be content

Dear Father,

I am not content with my life.
I am in pain and hurt most of the time.

Help me to find grace in hardship.
Help me to lean into trust and love.

Empower me to not compare myself to others.
Empower me to be thankful for what I have.

Teach me to be a person who looks to you.
Teach me to see with my inner eyes of faith.

Bless me with courage, hope and endurance as I struggle.
Bless me to learn to be content with things out of my control.

I choose to live a life focused on love and peace.
I choose to be a person with a heart for you.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.