Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Oh to be HOLY

Oh, we read the words of scripture and we don’t TRULY see. 

We don’t see that we are commanded to be HOLY.

We are instructed to be like HIM.

We have been GIVEN the example to WALK like He walked.

And yet, we falter in our steps…

LORD, help us to strive for HOLINESS in our daily lives. Enable us to draw on your STRENGTH when we are WEAK. Empower us to rid ourselves of UNHOLY and UNGODLY behaviors. Help us to SEE TRUTH through Your eyes. And give us the DESIRE deep down in our spirits to LOOK like You. 

Oh that we would be HOLY as You are HOLY. 

Remove our fleshy desires and replace them with an INTENSE longing for the SPIRITUAL…

Minister to our hearts and spirits today and fill us with Your beautiful MERCY and GRACE….


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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