Holy and righteous God,
Don't you see? Don't you care, Lord? Fools revile you, daring you to take action. Evil men flaunt their excesses, without conscience or concern. It grieves us; it angers us. Women, children, and the elderly are shown no mercy. When will it end, Lord? When will the day of j
ustice come?
We don't question your power; just your timetable. We don't question your plan; just its execution. Our hope is in you, Lord. There is no other God.
So until the day you put all things right, Lord, pour out your Spirit upon your people. Grant leaders wisdom, children comfort, and your church courage. Whether by our living or by our dying, we want to honor you.
When we're tempted to repay evil for evil, harm for harm, or hatred for hatred, grant us grace and restraint, O Lord.
When fears loom and doubts increase, show us Jesus' empty tomb and your occupied throne. You alone, O God, are worthy. We praise, bless, and adore you, in Jesus' name.
(From Every Season Prayers by Scotty Smith)
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