Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

a prayer for being filled

Only You, Jesus, can meet my desperate need for righteousness. Forgive me, Lord, when I channel my efforts through my own ineffective will power and fail to draw on Your power through time with You. Forgive me when I fail to yield to the Holy Spirit's work and wander from You, Jesus - my first love. 

Fill me with all that is good, Lord, and remove what is not bearing fruit. I want to be filled with the goodness of your Holy Spirit so that I may glorify you.

Thank You, Father, for making me more and more like Jesus as I trust and obey You. Thank you for covering me with Your grace as I grow. In my spiritual bankruptcy, remove the guilt of my sin and make me pure in heart. Help me desire Your righteousness as much as I desire my own comfort and peace. Help me mourn over the sin and pain in the world and to hunger after a deeper holiness. Fill me with Your fullest joy in the life You have given me.


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