Lord, let me not be as the wicked and slothful servant, who hid his talent in the earth, and vainly sought to avert the doom of his guilty indolence. Alas, how have the faculties and opportunities you have in mercy given me, been neglected, perverted, and abused. Too often I have sought my own pleasures, instead of fulfilling the exalted and ennobling duties you have set before me.
O give me an ever-present conviction, that the gifts which you have invested in me, are ones of trust, which you will require from me again with interest. Help me, I beseech thee, so to understand and employ them, that in the great day of reckoning, I may hear: "Well done, thou good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things : enter thou into the joy of thy Lord."
-adapted from a prayer by Albert Barnes
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