Praying Psalm 73

Truly you are good dear Lord.. your mercies are new this morning.. great is your faithfulness.. I praise you.

Purify my heart Lord.. keep my feet from stumbling and make my steps sure.. cleanse me of envy, arrogance and wickedness.

Help me to see life from your perspective Lord.. open up my eyes to the true riches of life.. give me a humble heart and drive pride far from me.

Forgive me for speaking foolish and hurtful words.. cause my mouth to speak nothing but good things.. guard my speech from foolish words and divisive chatter.. give me the desire to encourage and lift others up.

Infuse the earth with the knowledge of the Most High.. cause the wicked to understand your goodness.. bring them to repentance dear Lord.

You have given meaning to my life Lord.. all else ends in vanity.. nothing else can make my heart clean.. you are the only one Lord.. your blood is sufficient.

I remember that time when my soul was embittered.. when I was troubled in heart.. when I was brutish and ignorant.. when I was like a beast toward you.

Nevertheless you saved me from a dark future.. you have kept me continually with you.. you hold my right hand.. you guide me with your counsel.. and after death you will receive me to be with you forever.

Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but you God are the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

It has been good to be near you Lord.. you have been a blessing of refuge to me.. I will tell of all your sweet works in my life.. there is no one like you.

Glory be to you Lord Jesus!


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Praying Psalm 72

Reveal your justice to me Lord.. open the eyes of my heart to righteous discernment.. come Holy Spirit and shower gifts of wisdom and discernment on us.

Open my eyes to those around me who are hurting.. give me a heart for the poor Lord Jesus and the spirit of an intercessor.. conquer selfishness in me Lord.

Cause leaders to arise in our nation that fear you.. help them to lead with righteousness causing our nation to be a blessing to the earth.

May your influence and dominion be from sea to sea Lord causing your glory to arise and cover all of the earth. Flood the world with your goodness Lord and bring all people to repentance.

May all kings.. all presidents.. all leaders.. every congress fall down before you.. and may every nation serve you and your purposes dear Lord.

For who is like you Lord? You deliver the needy when they call.. the poor and those who have no helper.. you have compassion on the weak and the needy.

There is no god like you O God! You save the lives of the needy.. from oppression and violence you redeem their life.. precious is their life in your sight O Holy One.

You live forever Lord.. eternity is your realm.. you have created all things.. you own it all.. it is yours to do with as you please.

Cause me to be a wise manager of your resources Lord.. lead me in ways that would help those who are in need.. fill my heart with compassion for the broken and those needing help.

Help me to understand that abundance is yours and that wealth is not to be hoarded.. help me to understand your benevolent ways.. and to be a generous person.

Your name endures forever Lord.. your fame continues longer than the sun.. there is no one like you.. you are an awesome God!

May all peoples bless you Lord.. may all nations magnify your name.

Blessed are you Lord.. you alone do wondrous things. Blessed be your glorious name forever.. may the whole earth be filled with your glory!

Amen and Amen!

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Praying Psalm 71

In you, O Lord, do I take refuge.. you are a mighty fortress.. on the cross I was delivered from shame.

In your righteousness you have delivered me and rescued me from the enemies of my soul.. I cry out to you today.. hear my prayer and deliver me from evil!

You are a rock of refuge to which I continually come.. on the cross you have saved me.. you are my rock and my fortress.

Rescue me, O my God, from the hand of wickedness.. from the grasp of injustice and cruelty.. you are my righteousness.

For a long time you, O Lord, have been my hope and my trust. Upon you my heart has leaned for many many years.. you have watched over me from my mother's womb.

My praise is continually of you Lord!

Help me to be a reflection of your grace Lord.. you are my strong refuge. My mouth is filled with your praise and with your honor all day.

You will not not cast me off in the time of old age.. neither will you forsake me when my strength is spent.. you have promised to be with me forever.

You have not forsaken me.. though life is sometimes hard you are there encouraging me and giving me hope.. you are the God of all hope!

I will hope continually and will praise you yet more and more. My mouth will tell of your righteous acts, of your deeds of salvation all the day, for their number is past my knowledge.

I will remember your mighty deeds.. I will remind myself that righteousness is yours alone.

O God, from my youth you have taught me.. I will proclaim your wondrous deeds until the day I die.. you are worthy to be praised Lord!

Your righteousness, O God, reaches the high heavens. You who have done great things, O God, who is like you?

You who have been with me in many troubles and calamities.. you will revive me again.. from the depths of the earth you will bring me up again. I will be with you forever!

I praise you with my whole being.. with my voice I sing of your goodness and in your faithfulness, O my God, I rejoice!

My tongue will speak of your righteous help all the day long.. you have been my best friend.. your presence is very very precious to me.

Praise you Father, Son and Holy Spirit!


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

Making Mention of You in my Prayers

For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers; (Romans 1:9)

I thank my God always, making mention of you in my prayers, (Philemon 1:4)

Much is made amongst religious folks about spending "much" time in prayer. Isn't it interesting how Paul says that he merely mentions these folks as he prays. Possibly it isn't all about spending hours in prayer but simply bringing a person and their need before the Lord.

Sometimes I just whisper the name of a friend or loved one to the Lord in prayer.. He knows their needs.. He wants us to care enough to pray.. even if it is only saying their name in His presence. The point is to actually pray.

Lord, I am thinking about those who I regularly pray for. Help me to be faithful to ceaselessly bring these before you making mention of them and their needs to you. Asking for grace we pray in your name.


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Praying Psalm 70

Deliver us O Lord.. do not delay.. make haste to help us.. we are in need of you.. we boldly come to you in prayer.

Help those who live in shame and confusion.. minister to those who need you most.. and draw them to yourself.

May all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you! May those who love your salvation
say evermore, “God is great!”

We come to you in humility.. we are poor and needy.. hasten to help us, O God!

You are our help and our deliverer.. O Lord, do not delay!


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Praying Psalm 69

Rescue me, O God! For the waters of life seem to have come up to my neck. I feel like I am sinking in deep mire where there is no foothold.. I am in over my head in deep waters.. and trials like a flood seem to sweep over me.

I am weary from crying out.. my spirit is parched from prayer. My heart grows dim as I wait for you Lord. Come in power Lord.

At every turn the enemies of my soul seem to oppose me seeking to destroy me.. they bombard me with guilt of my past sins.. O God, you know my folly; the wrongs I have done are not hidden from you. Cleanse me Lord.

Help me to be a blessing to those I meet today Lord.. cause my life to encourage others.. speak and act through me Lord.. and glorify your name in me.

Help my passion to be for you and your kingdom.. help me to know how to pray my way through today and to hear your voice as I go.

My prayer is to you, O Lord. At an acceptable time and in the abundance of your steadfast love answer me in your saving faithfulness.

Deliver me from sinking in the mire of sadness; let me be delivered from the enemies of my soul and from the deep waters of despair. Let not the flood of trials sweep over me, or let depression swallow me up, or the pit of temptation engulf me.

Answer me, O Lord, for your steadfast love is good; according to your abundant mercy, turn to me. Hide not your face from your servant; for I am in distress; make haste to answer me. Draw near to my soul, redeem me; ransom me from spiritual enemies!

You know my failures, my shame and my dishonor; these foes are all known to you. Failures have broken my heart, so that I am in despair. I looked for encouragement, but there was none among men, and for comforters, but I found none.

Turn my failures inside out dear Lord.. bring success out of failures.. light out of darkness.. and victory from despair.. work all these things for good that I may be conformed into the image of your son.

Give me love to be a blessing to the unlovely.. give me grace to be a blessing to the ungracious.. help me to bring goodness to those who are trapped in wickedness.

Turn my affliction and pain inside out.. bring goodness out of that which the enemy has devised for evil.. let your salvation, O God, raise me up!

I will praise your name O God with a song.. I will magnify you with thanksgiving. I know this will please you Lord more than doing religious acts.

For you Lord hear the needy and you do not despise your own people who are prisoners. Let heaven and earth praise you, the seas and everything that moves in them.

You will save those who are yours.. you will build up those who are downcast.. you will restore what was broken and bind up broken hearts.

You are great Lord and greatly to be praised!


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Praying Psalm 68

Arise O God and scatter your enemies.. subdue spiritual wickedness in high places.. let all evil be driven far away.

We will be glad.. we will exult before you and be jubilant with joy! We will sing praises to your name lifting up a song to your name.

Who is like you Lord? You are the Father of the fatherless and protector of widows.. you are a Friend to the lonely and imprisoned.

History is replete with your redemption.. of how you performed miracles of healing and provision for those you love.. in your goodness, O God, you provided for the needy.

You are a great warrior Lord.. fighting with the sword of your word you come in power to defeat the enemies of our souls.. praise you Lord!

No enemy can stand before you Lord.. your followers are without number.. you live in your people and cause them to be victorious.

Blessed be the Lord who daily bears us up. God is our salvation.

Our God is a God of salvation, and to God, the Lord, belongs deliverance from death. He will strike the heads of his enemies.

We bless you God together.. you are the fountain of life!

O peoples of the earth, sing to God.. sing praises to the Lord. Ascribe power to God whose majesty is over all the earth and whose power is without limit.

Awesome are you God.. you are the one who gives power and strength to your people.

Blessed be the name of the Lord!


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Praying Psalm 67

Thank you Lord for being gracious to me.. I am so grateful for the many ways that you bless me.

May your face ever shine upon me.. may your will continue to be revealed to me.. may your Spirit flow from me to everyone I meet.

Let all peoples praise you, O God.. let all peoples praise you!

Let the nations be glad and sing for joy.. for you judge all people with equity.. and you make yourself known to all nations.

Let all peoples praise you, O God.. let all peoples praise you!

Thank you Lord.. you have caused the earth to yield its increase.. you have brought undeserved blessings.. let all the ends of the earth fear you!

Blessed be the name of the Lord God Almighty.. who was and is and is to come.


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Praying Psalm 66

I am shouting with joy for you have made me glad O Lord.. you have done great things.. all glory belongs to your name.. praise you Father!

Your deeds are awesome.. your power is great.. you have subdued the enemies of my soul.. you have conquered evil.. death has been defeated!

All of creation worships you.. and sings praises to you.. all the nations will one day bow to your name.. all will one day acknowledge your rule.

I am in awe when I consider the works of your hands.. and even more in awe when I consider the cross of our salvation.. wondrous are your works O Lord!

You are sovereign Lord.. wickedness will not last forever.. one day all evil will be judged and no longer influence your creation - Alleluia!

Bless you Lord.. with myriads of angels I join in the anthem of the ages.. holy, holy, Lord God Almighty.. who was and is and is to come!

Blessed be the name of the Lord God Almighty!

You have kept my soul among the living.. you keep my feet from slipping.. when I am tested you are there to give me wisdom.. and you comfort me if I fail.

Like silver I will be refined.. by trials I will be strengthened.. no weapon will harm my soul.. you are conforming me into the image of Jesus!

I offer myself to you Lord.. let your kingdom come in my heart.. let your will be done in my life.. cause me to be a sweet aroma in your nostrils.

When I consider my ways and how prone I am to pride.. I come to you in fear Lord.. cleanse me from pride.. forgive me and help me to walk in humility.

I cry out to you with my mouth.. I am in need of your presence.. you are worthy to be praised.. I am so desperate for your Spirit!

Thank you for hearing me when I pray.. your faithfulness breaks me.. who am I that you should give ear to me?

Blessed are you Lord.. you have not rejected my prayer.. nor have you left me.. your steadfast love is eternal!

Praise Father, Son and Holy Spirit!


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Praying Psalm 65

Praise you O covenant God.. let my worship arise to you.. to whom all glory is due.. to you Lord.. full of compassion and grace.

Thank you for hearing me when I pray.. for forgiving me and making my soul whole.. for the blessings of fellowship I am grateful.

In amazing acts of power and righteousness you have filled the earth.. your wonder is on display in all of nature.

By strength you have established the mountains.. by your word you have stilled the roaring of the seas and the tumult of the nations.

All in the earth are in awe at your signs.. how even the most normal of sunrise and sunset are amazing to behold.. you are glorious in power Lord.

You care for the earth.. bring rains in season so that crops flourish and vegetation grows.. the eath mirrors your beauty Lord.. and is an example of your provision for humanity.

Thank you for all of the ways that you love the earth.. how you care for your creation.. and how you love me.


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Praying Psalm 64

Hear my voice O God.. as I pray please preserve my life.. deliver me from the dread of the enemy.. hide me.. hold me in your arms.

Though the enemy of my soul seeks my destruction.. though all of life seems to be against me.. I will trust in your plan dear Lord.. I will hold onto your goodness.

For what is evil that it should come against one of your own.. and who is the enemy that he should touch me.. he is but a created being.. you are enthroned forever.. your reign is unmatched.. you will govern in righteousness.

Alleluia Lord of Hosts.. Come Holy Spirit!

You have come into my inward mind.. you have spoken to the deep part of me.. you have given me a new heart.. what can any created thing do to me?

Man's ways are not just.. justice rests with you alone.. I appeal to your justice Lord.. defend me from unjust acts of wickedness Lord.

Your power is forever Lord.. there is nothing too difficult for you.. all of the universe is subject to your word.. speak life to my flesh today Lord.. raise me up.. I need your touch today.

Cause all flesh to bow to you Lord.. open up the eyes of all peoples.. help them to know of your great love.. bring all men to their knees.. humble all hearts.. let every soul bow to your goodness.

You are awesome Father! You are worthy Jesus! You are powerful Holy Spirit!

Let the redeemed rejoice in you Lord! Let the forgiven take refuge in you! Let all the upright in heart exult! For we serve an awesome God.. you are pure goodness, mercy and love.. let the redeemed praise you!


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Praying Psalm 63

O God, you are my God.. earnestly I seek you.. my soul thirsts for you.. my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.

Reveal yourself to me Lord.. I am so in need of your presence.. I long to experience your power and to be filled with your glory.

Your steadfast love is better than life.. my lips praise you today.. I will bless you as long as I live.. in your name I will lift up my hands.

As my flesh enjoys delicious food, so my soul will be satisfied with you Lord.. my mouth will praise you with joyful lips.

I will remember you upon my bed and meditate on you in the night. In the morning I will awake and your goodness will come to mind.

You have been my help.. in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy. My soul clings to you.. your Spirit upholds me.

Those who seek to destroy my soul shall not succeed.. you will protect me.. you will come to my aid in times of trouble.. you are faithful Lord.

I will rejoice in you Lord.. I will exult in the God of my salvation.. you are worthy to be praised and trusted.

Praise you Lord Jesus Christ!


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Praying Psalm 62

For you alone Lord my soul waits in silence.. from you comes my salvation.. you only are my rock and my salvation.. you are my fortress.. I shall not be greatly shaken.

Though people misunderstand me.. though friends cannot relate to my pain.. even when I am mistreated I will run to you in prayer.. I will hope in the scriptures.

For in you alone my soul will wait in silence.. for my hope comes from you Lord.. you alone are my rock and my salvation.. you are my fortress.. I shall not be shaken.

On you Lord rests my salvation and my hope.. you are my mighty rock and my refuge. Praise you Lord Jesus Christ.. you have sent the holy Spirit to comfort me.

I will trust in you at all times.. I will pour out my heart to you in prayer.. I know you hear.. I know you care.. you are my refuge.. the blessed hope.

Help us Lord to understand that we are all equal before you.. the rich and the poor alike.. all ethnicities.. men and women.. boy and girl.. no one has an advantage.. no one is more favored.

Give us grace Lord to not put our trust in human ideas like money, ethnicity, gender or seniority.. those things change with time but you never change Lord.

You have spoken plainly at Calvary.. let all the earth understand.. let people understand the power of forgiveness.. and the power of your Love.

You will not reject any who come to you.. you will have mercy on those who pray.. you are a great and a gracious God.

Praise you Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

Praying Psalm 61

Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer; wherever I am I will call out to you.. both when my heart is faint and when it seems strong I will cry out to you in prayer.

Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.. bring me to you.. my God.. my refuge.. my strong tower of protection against the enemy.

Let me dwell in your presence forever Lord! Let me take refuge under the shelter of your wings! You are great O Lord!

You, O God, have heard my testimony.. you have given me an inheritance with those who fear your name. I will praise your name throughout eternity!

I will rely on your faithfulness Lord.. I will trust your plan for my life.. you have numbered my days.. you know the hairs on my head. You are all knowing Lord!

Your steadfast love and faithfulness watches over me. I take comfort in knowing you. You are my friend! You care for me.

I will sing praises to your name as I live before you today. I worship you Lord. You are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!


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Praying Psalm 60

O God.. you have not rejected me.. at the cross you have made me whole.. come Holy Spirit.. reveal yourself to me.. and comfort me.

I have witnessed difficult things.. my faith is in need of a boost.. ignite a passion in me to persevere in trials.. and rejoice in suffering.

I come to you today so needy dear Lord.. my soul is thirsty.. fill me Lord.. quench my spiritual thirst.. show yourself strong today.

I am your beloved.. you have delivered me.. you have blessed me with salvation.. in your great love you have rescued me.

Praise you Lord Jesus Christ.

You are holy Lord.. you desire a holy people.. shower freedom on your people all across the world.. inspire repentance from dead works.. bring life to us.

You have not rejected us O God.. you contend with humanity.. you are drawing all flesh to you.. you are Love.. you love us!

Bring peace to the earth Father.. end the evils of war.. cause men to live in peace.. help all the earth to know you.. the Prince of Peace.

Blessed be the name of the Lord God Almighty!


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Praying Psalm 59

Deliver me from the enemy, O my God.. protect me from spiritual forces that rise up against me.. deliver me from those who work evil.. and save me from those who would do me harm.

For you, Lord God of hosts, are the almighty God.. there is none like you.. you reign in power.. you help the oppressed and give comfort to the underdog.. you are God.. I worship you.

I intercede for those who are oppressed by the leaders in places like Iran.. I stand with those who are mistreated and killed by despots.. show your power Lord.. please reveal yourself to those who are hurting.

O my Strength, I will watch for you.. for you, O God, are my fortress. You Lord meet me with steadfast love.. you will lead me in paths of victory.

I lean into your grace today dear Father.. I so need grace.. I confess that I am prideful.. forgive me for living apart from you.. shower grace on me O humble King.

I praise you Lord.. you are patient with all men.. though we all sin you do not consume us in wrath.. you love us at our most unlovely moments.. I praise You!

We have all gone astray.. we are sometimes like howling like dogs prowling about looking for food and angry when we are hungry.. have mercy on us Lord.

I will sing of your strength.. I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning.. for you have been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress.

O my Strength, I will sing praises to you.. for you, O God, are my fortress, the God who shows me steadfast love.


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Praying Psalm 58

Help me Spirit of God to be discerning and not judgmental.. to be righteous in my thinking and not have a goal of being right.. help me to be merciful.

Help me to always speak truth and despise deceit and lies.. cause my ear to be deaf to the schemes of the enemy and yet alive to your plans Lord.

Vanquish all manner of wickedness Lord.. the kind that would ensnare me and cause me to stumble.. lead me Lord in your ways.. reveal your will to me.

Sweep away wickedness from my life Lord.. let all rationalizations fall behind me.. make me a man of truth.. conform me to the image of Jesus.

Shower the fear of the Lord on all the earth.. grant grace that the wicked might turn to you Father.. manifest your goodness to them that they might repent.

You are holy Lord.. you reward those who seek after you.. you will one day judge with righteous judgment.. I worship you.. you are worthy of my praise.


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Praying Psalm 57

Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me.. for in you my soul takes refuge.. in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge.. till the storms of destruction pass by.

I cry out to you O God Most High.. to you who fulfills his purpose for me. My hope is in you.. that you will from heaven save me from all manner of evil.

I trust you to send out your steadfast love and your faithfulness!

My soul is in the midst of terror.. like I am surrounded lions.. I feel fiery beasts encamp about me as I sleep.. yet I the midst of this I say..

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens! Let your glory be over all the earth!

Life sometimes seems to have set a trap to trip my steps.. my soul is low and bowed down.. I feel depressed and in a pit.

Yet my heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast! I will sing and make melody! I will awake refreshed with the dawn!

I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among people.. I will sing praises to you among the nations.

For your steadfast love is great to the heavens.. your faithfulness beyond the clouds.

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens! Let your glory be over all the earth!


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Praying Psalm 56

Be gracious to me, O God.. have mercy on me.. oppression and depression seems to camp all around me.. I need you Lord.

I put my trust in you.. I am afraid.. I lean into your word for courage.. in you I trust.. I shall not be afraid.. what can flesh do to me?

All day long evil seems to lurk trying to injure me.. bombarding me with nasty thoughts.. trying to tempt me and cause me to fall.. but you are faithful Lord.

You have kept count of my trials.. saved my tears and written them in your book.. you understand me and are touched by my pain.

This I know.. you are for me.. I believe your promises to me.. in you I trust.. I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?

I will offer thanks to you today.. for you have delivered my soul from death.. yes, my feet from falling.. that I may walk before you in the light of life.

Praise you Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.