Praying Psalm 72

Reveal your justice to me Lord.. open the eyes of my heart to righteous discernment.. come Holy Spirit and shower gifts of wisdom and discernment on us.

Open my eyes to those around me who are hurting.. give me a heart for the poor Lord Jesus and the spirit of an intercessor.. conquer selfishness in me Lord.

Cause leaders to arise in our nation that fear you.. help them to lead with righteousness causing our nation to be a blessing to the earth.

May your influence and dominion be from sea to sea Lord causing your glory to arise and cover all of the earth. Flood the world with your goodness Lord and bring all people to repentance.

May all kings.. all presidents.. all leaders.. every congress fall down before you.. and may every nation serve you and your purposes dear Lord.

For who is like you Lord? You deliver the needy when they call.. the poor and those who have no helper.. you have compassion on the weak and the needy.

There is no god like you O God! You save the lives of the needy.. from oppression and violence you redeem their life.. precious is their life in your sight O Holy One.

You live forever Lord.. eternity is your realm.. you have created all things.. you own it all.. it is yours to do with as you please.

Cause me to be a wise manager of your resources Lord.. lead me in ways that would help those who are in need.. fill my heart with compassion for the broken and those needing help.

Help me to understand that abundance is yours and that wealth is not to be hoarded.. help me to understand your benevolent ways.. and to be a generous person.

Your name endures forever Lord.. your fame continues longer than the sun.. there is no one like you.. you are an awesome God!

May all peoples bless you Lord.. may all nations magnify your name.

Blessed are you Lord.. you alone do wondrous things. Blessed be your glorious name forever.. may the whole earth be filled with your glory!

Amen and Amen!

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