Praying Psalm 62

For you alone Lord my soul waits in silence.. from you comes my salvation.. you only are my rock and my salvation.. you are my fortress.. I shall not be greatly shaken.

Though people misunderstand me.. though friends cannot relate to my pain.. even when I am mistreated I will run to you in prayer.. I will hope in the scriptures.

For in you alone my soul will wait in silence.. for my hope comes from you Lord.. you alone are my rock and my salvation.. you are my fortress.. I shall not be shaken.

On you Lord rests my salvation and my hope.. you are my mighty rock and my refuge. Praise you Lord Jesus Christ.. you have sent the holy Spirit to comfort me.

I will trust in you at all times.. I will pour out my heart to you in prayer.. I know you hear.. I know you care.. you are my refuge.. the blessed hope.

Help us Lord to understand that we are all equal before you.. the rich and the poor alike.. all ethnicities.. men and women.. boy and girl.. no one has an advantage.. no one is more favored.

Give us grace Lord to not put our trust in human ideas like money, ethnicity, gender or seniority.. those things change with time but you never change Lord.

You have spoken plainly at Calvary.. let all the earth understand.. let people understand the power of forgiveness.. and the power of your Love.

You will not reject any who come to you.. you will have mercy on those who pray.. you are a great and a gracious God.

Praise you Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


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