Praying Psalm 58

Help me Spirit of God to be discerning and not judgmental.. to be righteous in my thinking and not have a goal of being right.. help me to be merciful.

Help me to always speak truth and despise deceit and lies.. cause my ear to be deaf to the schemes of the enemy and yet alive to your plans Lord.

Vanquish all manner of wickedness Lord.. the kind that would ensnare me and cause me to stumble.. lead me Lord in your ways.. reveal your will to me.

Sweep away wickedness from my life Lord.. let all rationalizations fall behind me.. make me a man of truth.. conform me to the image of Jesus.

Shower the fear of the Lord on all the earth.. grant grace that the wicked might turn to you Father.. manifest your goodness to them that they might repent.

You are holy Lord.. you reward those who seek after you.. you will one day judge with righteous judgment.. I worship you.. you are worthy of my praise.


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