Praying Psalm 68

Arise O God and scatter your enemies.. subdue spiritual wickedness in high places.. let all evil be driven far away.

We will be glad.. we will exult before you and be jubilant with joy! We will sing praises to your name lifting up a song to your name.

Who is like you Lord? You are the Father of the fatherless and protector of widows.. you are a Friend to the lonely and imprisoned.

History is replete with your redemption.. of how you performed miracles of healing and provision for those you love.. in your goodness, O God, you provided for the needy.

You are a great warrior Lord.. fighting with the sword of your word you come in power to defeat the enemies of our souls.. praise you Lord!

No enemy can stand before you Lord.. your followers are without number.. you live in your people and cause them to be victorious.

Blessed be the Lord who daily bears us up. God is our salvation.

Our God is a God of salvation, and to God, the Lord, belongs deliverance from death. He will strike the heads of his enemies.

We bless you God together.. you are the fountain of life!

O peoples of the earth, sing to God.. sing praises to the Lord. Ascribe power to God whose majesty is over all the earth and whose power is without limit.

Awesome are you God.. you are the one who gives power and strength to your people.

Blessed be the name of the Lord!


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