Praying Psalm 64

Hear my voice O God.. as I pray please preserve my life.. deliver me from the dread of the enemy.. hide me.. hold me in your arms.

Though the enemy of my soul seeks my destruction.. though all of life seems to be against me.. I will trust in your plan dear Lord.. I will hold onto your goodness.

For what is evil that it should come against one of your own.. and who is the enemy that he should touch me.. he is but a created being.. you are enthroned forever.. your reign is unmatched.. you will govern in righteousness.

Alleluia Lord of Hosts.. Come Holy Spirit!

You have come into my inward mind.. you have spoken to the deep part of me.. you have given me a new heart.. what can any created thing do to me?

Man's ways are not just.. justice rests with you alone.. I appeal to your justice Lord.. defend me from unjust acts of wickedness Lord.

Your power is forever Lord.. there is nothing too difficult for you.. all of the universe is subject to your word.. speak life to my flesh today Lord.. raise me up.. I need your touch today.

Cause all flesh to bow to you Lord.. open up the eyes of all peoples.. help them to know of your great love.. bring all men to their knees.. humble all hearts.. let every soul bow to your goodness.

You are awesome Father! You are worthy Jesus! You are powerful Holy Spirit!

Let the redeemed rejoice in you Lord! Let the forgiven take refuge in you! Let all the upright in heart exult! For we serve an awesome God.. you are pure goodness, mercy and love.. let the redeemed praise you!


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