Praying Psalm 66

I am shouting with joy for you have made me glad O Lord.. you have done great things.. all glory belongs to your name.. praise you Father!

Your deeds are awesome.. your power is great.. you have subdued the enemies of my soul.. you have conquered evil.. death has been defeated!

All of creation worships you.. and sings praises to you.. all the nations will one day bow to your name.. all will one day acknowledge your rule.

I am in awe when I consider the works of your hands.. and even more in awe when I consider the cross of our salvation.. wondrous are your works O Lord!

You are sovereign Lord.. wickedness will not last forever.. one day all evil will be judged and no longer influence your creation - Alleluia!

Bless you Lord.. with myriads of angels I join in the anthem of the ages.. holy, holy, Lord God Almighty.. who was and is and is to come!

Blessed be the name of the Lord God Almighty!

You have kept my soul among the living.. you keep my feet from slipping.. when I am tested you are there to give me wisdom.. and you comfort me if I fail.

Like silver I will be refined.. by trials I will be strengthened.. no weapon will harm my soul.. you are conforming me into the image of Jesus!

I offer myself to you Lord.. let your kingdom come in my heart.. let your will be done in my life.. cause me to be a sweet aroma in your nostrils.

When I consider my ways and how prone I am to pride.. I come to you in fear Lord.. cleanse me from pride.. forgive me and help me to walk in humility.

I cry out to you with my mouth.. I am in need of your presence.. you are worthy to be praised.. I am so desperate for your Spirit!

Thank you for hearing me when I pray.. your faithfulness breaks me.. who am I that you should give ear to me?

Blessed are you Lord.. you have not rejected my prayer.. nor have you left me.. your steadfast love is eternal!

Praise Father, Son and Holy Spirit!


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