Praying Psalm 65

Praise you O covenant God.. let my worship arise to you.. to whom all glory is due.. to you Lord.. full of compassion and grace.

Thank you for hearing me when I pray.. for forgiving me and making my soul whole.. for the blessings of fellowship I am grateful.

In amazing acts of power and righteousness you have filled the earth.. your wonder is on display in all of nature.

By strength you have established the mountains.. by your word you have stilled the roaring of the seas and the tumult of the nations.

All in the earth are in awe at your signs.. how even the most normal of sunrise and sunset are amazing to behold.. you are glorious in power Lord.

You care for the earth.. bring rains in season so that crops flourish and vegetation grows.. the eath mirrors your beauty Lord.. and is an example of your provision for humanity.

Thank you for all of the ways that you love the earth.. how you care for your creation.. and how you love me.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

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