For those who daily serve us ...

Lord Jesus, bless all who serve us, who have dedicated their lives to the ministry of others:

    All the teachers of our schools who labor so patiently with so little appreciation;

    All who wait upon the public, the clerks in the stores who have to accept criticism,
    complaints, bad manners, selfishness at the hands of a thoughtless public.

Bless the mailmen, the drivers of streetcars and buses who must listen to people who lose their tempers.

Bless every humble soul who, in these days of stress and strain, preaches sermons without words.

...a prayer of Peter Marshall      

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

Jehovah Jireh, Our Provider

Matthew 14:14 - “And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and He healed their sick.”

It is the unbelievable, supernatural replenishment that awakens the world to see the mighty power of God. Jesus demonstrated, once with a crowd of 5,000 and again with a crowd of 4,000, that He is the God who provides (see Matthew 14:14-21, 15:32-38). When the most “responsible” thing to do, in human terms, was to ask the multitudes to find their own food, Jesus turned to the supernatural power of God. Moved with compassion, He confidently told the disciples to begin feeding the multitudes. Jesus never wavered in His complete and utter trust in Jehovah Jireh. ~Adrian Rogers

Read the accounts of these miracles in Matthew with your family today, then ask God to fill your family with an utter and complete trust in Jehovah Jireh.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

Quiet in the Storm

Oh, Lord,
Thank you for a bit a of calm in the midst of a crazy schedule. I am overwhelmed by Your great love. You hear the desperate cries of Your children, and I am blessed.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

thursday: three

“You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.”

O Lord, show me the way. Guide me in your truth. Open our eyes to the times when we judge in your name, when we curse in your name, when we benefit ourselves in your name, when we justify ourselves in your name.

For how many times do I say “I do this in the name of the Lord” but the truth is I do it for myself. How many times do I claim to understand your will, when the truth is you are beyond my understanding.

We give thanks for your name, O Lord, for there is no other name like yours. No other name with the power, the majesty, the glory. Even when our tongues are still, the trees and rocks shout your name in joy.

Shine light on us today, Father. Provide discernment and patience. Let us use your name to glorify your holy presence. Lead us to ways that delight you.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

thank you, Lord for everything

Thank you, Lord, that you hear our prayer.

"And it shall come to pass, that before
they call, I will answer; and
while they are yet speaking, I will hear"
(Isaiah 65:24)

Thank you, Lord that you know.

"Be not ye therefore like unto them:
for your Father knoweth what things
ye have need of, before ye ask Him"
(Matthew 6:8)

Thank you, Lord that you care.

"Casting all your care upon Him;
for He careth for you"
(1 Peter 5:7)

Precious Father, we give you praise and honor for who you are. Thank you for loving us and for caring about us. Thank you for hearing our cry and answering. We lift up all our petitions to your Throne of Grace and ask for a mighty touch upon each person and each need. Minister to each heart and soul as your will dictates. We love you and give you glory for what you are doing and what you will continue to do in each life. In the mighty and powerful and delivering Name of Jesus Christ,


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

When our loved ones die ...

The LORD cares deeply when his loved ones die. (Psalm 116:15 NLT)

This scripture verse means so much to me today.
My goddaughter and niece Lynn died from cancer last Friday.
It is so good to know that God cares deeply about such things.
Please join me in prayer for Lynn's family and all who mourn loss.

We are sad with grief beyond what we can bear Lord.
Please comfort and encourage all who grieve the loss of loved ones today.

We don't understand why people who are so young die.
Give us wisdom Spirit of God that we might embrace a life without bitterness.

Our hearts are broken and torn apart Lord.
Please lead us in these times to accept our loss in a way that heals.

Children who lose their parents suffer so much Lord.
Loving Father we pray that you would make up the difference for these young souls.

Dear Lord, we want the pain to go away but we do not want to forget.
Help us Lord to eventually find a renewed joy in life without forgetting.

Compassionate Jesus, we rejoice that our loved one suffers no more.
Cause us to always remember the pain free joy of life in heaven.

We are thankful Lord for the gift that you gave us in the life of our loved one.
Help us Holy Spirit to live each day in a way that honors and celebrates our loved one.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.
Dear Lord, thank you for the morning.. when you spend a restless night, either heartache or physical pain, it is so good to know that in the midst of it, we are in your strong arms, feeling your strength and comfort.  Thank you for holding me and anyone else who needed your touch last night!  I love you, you are my All in All.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

Rejoicing at the Lord's Table

John 21:12a - “Jesus saith unto them, Come and dine.”

Is Satan whispering that God is not for you in your daily battles? Is he whispering lies that God is going to erase your name from the Book of Life for something you’ve done, yet repented over? Satan never had it so wrong! And Jesus never had it so right! Salvation in Christ is not a funeral, but a feast! The Bible is a continual feast from Genesis right through to Revelation. Covenant meals and meals of fellowship are frequent occurrences in Scripture. Our Shepherd, the Lord Jesus, has given many examples of His open invitation to be replenished and restored, to remember, and to rejoice at His table. ~Adrian Rogers

Call your family together and celebrate the Lord’s Supper this week as a family…remembering the powerful promise of His resurrection, replenishment, and restoration.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

Dear Lord

Dear Lord,
It's a new day. I didn't do so good yesterday. I was moody and impatient. I forgot our morning meeting, I didn't check in at breakfast, and by the time lunch rolled around I had forgotten all about talking to you. I know You are disappointed. Please forgive me, Lord. I promise to try harder today.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

thursday: two

“You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.”

Lord God, you are the Alpha and Omega. Open my ears to your Word. Help me accept that you are huge God, an awesome God, beyond my comprehension.

Why, O Lord, do I sometimes put you in a box? Why do I define you in my terms? Why do I see you how I want to see you? O, how foolish I have been.

You, O Lord, remain constant – being the one true God that you are. Thank you, Lord, for never ceasing to amaze, to surprise, to shake my world – just by being you.

Instead of trying to define you, may I simply accept you. Instead of trying to explain you, may I sit in awe of your wonders. Instead of altering you in to fit my world, change my heart to conform to your kingdom.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

He will cause breath to enter into us...

"And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones
live? And I answered, O Lord God, thou knowest"
(Ezekiel 37:3)

God knows everything about us. He knows our worries. He knows our frustrations. He knows our limitations and our weaknesses. Praise His Name that He has no worries or frustrations and that He has absolutely no limitations! Praise His Name that He is strength above all strength!

Nothing about our lives goes unnoticed by God. He is aware of everything that concerns us and everything that happens to us. And He cares. He is just waiting for us to open up our mouths and pour our hearts out to Him in confession and repentance, so that He can then fill us with new life. New breath. New direction.

"Thus saith the Lord GOD unto these bones; Behold, I will 
cause breath to enter into  you, and ye shall live"
(Ezekiel 37:5)

Our Father breathes the Holy breath of God into our dry bones and gives us a revival of Spirit. He makes all things new. He gives life to what seemed dead. He gives hope to what seemed hopeless. He gives light to what was darkness.

We pour out to Him and He just opens the windows of heaven and pours back into our destitute souls. And when He does we hear His voice whisper to our hearts.... "and ye shall know that I am the Lord"

Praise His holy name.... He is the Lord our God!


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

Oh that Mine Eyes

Oh that mine eyes might closèd be
To what becomes me not to see;
That deafness might possess mine ear,
To what concerns me not to hear;
That Truth my tongue might always tie,
From ever speaking foolishly;
That no vain thought might ever rest,
Or be conveived in my breast;
That by each word, each deed, each thought,
Glory may to my God be brought.

But what are wishes! Lord, mine eye
On thee is fix'd, to thee I cry;
Oh purge out all my dross, my tin,
Make me more white than snow within;
Wash Lord, and purify my heart,
And make it clean in every part;
And when 'tis clean, Lord keep it too,
For that is more than I can do.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

The True Depth of the Savior’s Love

John 10:18 - “No man taketh it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of My Father.”

The true depth of the Savior’s love becomes apparent when you consider an important truth – Jesus Christ is the only person who ever chose to die. “But, what about kamikaze pilots in World War II? What about soldiers who, having heard the ominous “click” of a land mine, stood still until their buddies could scurry to safety?” They didn’t choose to die in the final sense of the word, they only chose when to die. You and I, and everyone yet to be, will die eventually. But there was only One who did not have to die. Nails didn’t hold our Savior to the tree. Silver cords of love and golden bonds of redemption held Him there. ~Adrian Rogers

Read Psalm 22, 23, and 24 and rejoice in the provision, protection, and providence of the Good Shepherd!

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

A Friend

Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank you for always being near, for being there when friends can't be, and for staying close when I feel abandoned. Help us learn not to depend on others for the friendship our hearts so desperately desire. I'm asking this not only for me, but for my daughter who so very often feels alone. Please cultivate in us a "glass half full" kind of attitude that will draw others in rather than push them farther away. I ask a friend for my daughter, a friend who will not only be a shoulder to her, but for whom she can also be a comfort and listening ear. Grow her in Your grace, dear Lord. Help her to love and forgive even when her heart is broken.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

thursday: one

And God spoke all these words: “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me.”

Lord Jesus, you have freed me from slavery. Write this commandment on my heart: I will have no gods before you. Stay before me. Guide my decisions, my words, my actions in ways that glorify your name.

You know that there have been times when I have put my own needs first—where I have acted as if I was the one to please. Times when greed, lust and laziness seemed more important than you.

And yet, you have always been there, with your arms open. A patient and loving God. Ready to be the one and only god in my life—and pleased when I return to you. Thank you. Oh, thank you Lord.

You are everything, what more can we need? Purge foolish thoughts from our mindS. Purge selfish ambition from our bodies. Purify our souls so we can see the truth – that you are our God. Our only God. And all that we need.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

He is our God

"I have called upon thee, for thou wilt hear me, O God;
incline thine ear unto me, and hear my speech"
(Psalm 17:6)


"I have set the LORD always before me;
because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved"
(Psalm 16:8)


"Then the fire of the LORD fell, and consumed the burnt-sacrifice,
and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and
licked up the water that was in the trench. And when all
the people saw it, they fell on their faces; and they said,
The LORD, he is God; the LORD, He is the God."


Father God, I lift up to you each person mentioned on the prayer list and each person whose eyes are reading this even now. Minister your sweet Holy Spirit to each individual. Bestow healing and mercy. Grace and Love.  Dispense peace and unity to all. Reach down and touch deep into the hearts of those that are hurting and wounded. Comfort those that are in desperate need of solace. Wrap them up in your sweet embrace and whisper sweet words of ministry to their spirits. Help us to remember that YOU are our strength. You are our refuge. Our help is in you. We love you and we give you praise and honor and glory that is so due you. Thank you for being our God. Thank you for being our everything.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

Help me O God to say Yes

Let me see You, O God, as You are, not as I have concluded You are. Bring the fullness of Your character into my heart and then bear fruit in my thoughts, words and actions today. Help me seek you more and more deeply.

I want to be loving, show joy and bring peace to everyone I encounter. Help me. I want to be patient and kind. Help me. May all who cross my path see goodness in me. May faithfulness in all its forms abound in me and let gentleness pour out from me. And help this one with so little control be self-controlled because today I am under Your control. Help me O God.

Let me say, "Yes!" to all You ask of me today.

... a prayer from the blog of Pastor Danny Sims        

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

True Satisfaction Is Found in the Lord

Psalm 23:1 - “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.”

The Scottish-born naturalist and founder of the Sierra Club, John Muir, once had a conversation with railroad magnate and industrialist E. H. Harriman. “I am richer than you are,” declared Muir to the railroad baron “And how is that true?” responded Harriman. “Because you don’t have all you want — and I do. Therefore I am richer than you,” answered Muir. Well, perhaps these two men were playing word games with one another. We don’t know if either man was truly satisfied with his life, but there's one thing of which I’m certain. Our search for satisfaction will not be found at the end of the rainbow in a pot of gold. It can only be found in Jesus. ~Adrian Rogers

What satisfies you today? Is it the things you own? Your relationships? Your job? Ask the Lord to fill you with the source of lasting satisfaction — Himself!

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

friday words

My noble Lord washed the feet of his betrayer,
yet I am quick to rebuke even the slightest slight.
How often do I lurch for the “safety” of darkness,
while the Lord stands arms outstretched in the light.

That is today. Tomorrow is new. Reborn in
a spiritually transformation – a gift of grace.
A gift I can see just a few yards ahead. I’ve been
blessed with a push, now must finish the race.

Thank you for this gift, one that does not come easy.
We can run together now, with you at my side.
Imitating your power, perseverance and love.
Imitating my Christ. My Lord. My Guide.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

There is no greater thing ...

Sing with me the words to this beautiful prayer of a song ...

Knowing You

All I once held dear built my life upon
All this world reveres, and wars to own
All I once thought gain I have counted loss
Spent and worthless now, compared to this

Now my heart's desire is to know you more
To be found in you, and known as yours
To possess by faith what I could not earn
All surpassing gift of righteousness

Knowing you, Jesus, knowing you
There is no greater thing
You're my all, you're the best
You're my joy, my righteousness
And I love you ,lord

Oh to know the power of your risen life
And to know you in your suffering
To become like you in your death my Lord
So with You to live
And never die



Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

Perfect in His Sight

"Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin." Romans 4:8

God has imputed His righteousness to every believer. That means that instead of your sin being on your account, it is His righteousness instead. Not only has He forgiven us. Not only has He covered our sins. But He gives us His righteousness.

I fail, but God will not impute that to me. If God were to impute sin to me, then when I fail I would be lost again. How much sin would it take to make me lost? Just one-half of one sin. You see, I'm not going to heaven because I'm perfect. I'm not perfect. You're not perfect. No one is perfect. But we have received Christ as our righteousness. And in His eyes, we are perfect. ~Adrian Rogers

Stop now and thank God for imputing to you His own righteousness.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.