When our loved ones die ...

The LORD cares deeply when his loved ones die. (Psalm 116:15 NLT)

This scripture verse means so much to me today.
My goddaughter and niece Lynn died from cancer last Friday.
It is so good to know that God cares deeply about such things.
Please join me in prayer for Lynn's family and all who mourn loss.

We are sad with grief beyond what we can bear Lord.
Please comfort and encourage all who grieve the loss of loved ones today.

We don't understand why people who are so young die.
Give us wisdom Spirit of God that we might embrace a life without bitterness.

Our hearts are broken and torn apart Lord.
Please lead us in these times to accept our loss in a way that heals.

Children who lose their parents suffer so much Lord.
Loving Father we pray that you would make up the difference for these young souls.

Dear Lord, we want the pain to go away but we do not want to forget.
Help us Lord to eventually find a renewed joy in life without forgetting.

Compassionate Jesus, we rejoice that our loved one suffers no more.
Cause us to always remember the pain free joy of life in heaven.

We are thankful Lord for the gift that you gave us in the life of our loved one.
Help us Holy Spirit to live each day in a way that honors and celebrates our loved one.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Please send us once again that peace that passes understanding.

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss, Bob.

    In agreement with your prayer. Amen.

  3. so very sorry for your loss but so very thankful that our God is compassionate and that He cares!

    praying for you and the family!


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