thursday: three

“You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.”

O Lord, show me the way. Guide me in your truth. Open our eyes to the times when we judge in your name, when we curse in your name, when we benefit ourselves in your name, when we justify ourselves in your name.

For how many times do I say “I do this in the name of the Lord” but the truth is I do it for myself. How many times do I claim to understand your will, when the truth is you are beyond my understanding.

We give thanks for your name, O Lord, for there is no other name like yours. No other name with the power, the majesty, the glory. Even when our tongues are still, the trees and rocks shout your name in joy.

Shine light on us today, Father. Provide discernment and patience. Let us use your name to glorify your holy presence. Lead us to ways that delight you.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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