thursday: one

And God spoke all these words: “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me.”

Lord Jesus, you have freed me from slavery. Write this commandment on my heart: I will have no gods before you. Stay before me. Guide my decisions, my words, my actions in ways that glorify your name.

You know that there have been times when I have put my own needs first—where I have acted as if I was the one to please. Times when greed, lust and laziness seemed more important than you.

And yet, you have always been there, with your arms open. A patient and loving God. Ready to be the one and only god in my life—and pleased when I return to you. Thank you. Oh, thank you Lord.

You are everything, what more can we need? Purge foolish thoughts from our mindS. Purge selfish ambition from our bodies. Purify our souls so we can see the truth – that you are our God. Our only God. And all that we need.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. "that you are our God. Our ony God. And all that we need" that Ed....Wonderful prayer for today.. wonderful reminder that it is Jesus, the One and Only.

  2. oh, how i love the old testament! i am knee deep in the wilderness right now with Moses and i love reading those words - ' I am the Lord your God?' Indeed!


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