Rejoicing at the Lord's Table

John 21:12a - “Jesus saith unto them, Come and dine.”

Is Satan whispering that God is not for you in your daily battles? Is he whispering lies that God is going to erase your name from the Book of Life for something you’ve done, yet repented over? Satan never had it so wrong! And Jesus never had it so right! Salvation in Christ is not a funeral, but a feast! The Bible is a continual feast from Genesis right through to Revelation. Covenant meals and meals of fellowship are frequent occurrences in Scripture. Our Shepherd, the Lord Jesus, has given many examples of His open invitation to be replenished and restored, to remember, and to rejoice at His table. ~Adrian Rogers

Call your family together and celebrate the Lord’s Supper this week as a family…remembering the powerful promise of His resurrection, replenishment, and restoration.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

1 comment:

  1. "cone and dine the master calleth!"

    oh, to eat at His Table every day!!!


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