Help me O God to say Yes

Let me see You, O God, as You are, not as I have concluded You are. Bring the fullness of Your character into my heart and then bear fruit in my thoughts, words and actions today. Help me seek you more and more deeply.

I want to be loving, show joy and bring peace to everyone I encounter. Help me. I want to be patient and kind. Help me. May all who cross my path see goodness in me. May faithfulness in all its forms abound in me and let gentleness pour out from me. And help this one with so little control be self-controlled because today I am under Your control. Help me O God.

Let me say, "Yes!" to all You ask of me today.

... a prayer from the blog of Pastor Danny Sims        

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1 comment:

  1. Bob, I will join you in this prayer I need on a daily basis.


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