
May God be in our sleep;
may Christ be in our dreams.
May the Spirit be in our repose,
in our thoughts, in our heart.
In our soul always
may the Sacred Three dwell.


..a prayer titled Compline from Scot McKnight at Jesus Creed

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

Praying Psalm 34

I will bless you Lord at all times..praise shall continually be in my mouth.. my soul will boast in you Lord.. I am humbled by your love and I am glad in it. Oh, magnify the Lord with me all you heavenly host and let us exalt his name together!

I seek you today dear Lord.. please answer me.. please deliver me from my fears.. especially the fears about health and future life. Cause my countenance to be radiant.. help me to never be ashamed about my problems.

I am a poor man Lord.. I am in need of deliverance.. I cannot help myself.. I have many troubles Father.. save me in spite of them.. my hope is in you.. in your provision.. my heart fears your mighty name.

You are good Lord.. I have tasted of your goodness.. I am blessed.. I take refuge in you today. Your name is a strong tower.. with fear I confess your name over all my troubles.. I ask you for wisdom concerning my life.. open my eyes Lord.

Teach me to fear you Lord.. help me to desire life again.. to keep my tongue from evil.. my lips from speaking deceit.. help me to turn away from evil and do good.. to seek peace and pursue it.

Praise you that your eyes are toward me Lord and your ears toward my cry.. that you are near to my broken heart.. that you save my crushed spirit.

My afflictions seem many Lord.. I ask you to deliver me out of them all.. to minister healing to my joints.. to relieve the pain of arthritis.. to heal my wife and cause her to walk again.

I trust in you Lord.. I believe in your redemption.. I know you will cause good to overcome evil in my life.. I take refuge in your great love.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

Praying Psalm 33

I am shouting for joy to you Lord.. and giving thanks to you with my voice.. with all that is in me I sing to you a new song.. you are worthy of my praise Lord!

Your word is upright and all your work is done with faithfulness toward me.. you love righteousness and justice.. all the earth is filled with your steadfast love.

I am in awe of how the heavens were made by your word and by the breath of your mouth all their host was formed.. by your provision the seas and lands exists.. and the water rains down on the land and moistens it.

Cause all the earth to fear you Lord.. let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of you! Help them to see how you spoke and all came to be.. how you commanded and established every good thing.

You are powerful Lord.. you bring the counsel of the nations to nothing.. you frustrate ungodly plans.. your counsel is trustful.. it stands forever.. the plans of your heart endure for all generations.

I ask you for our nation dear Lord.. make our paths straight and our laws to be righteous ones.. help us to be on your side in all things.

Blessed are you Lord.. for all men are equal in your sight.. you show no prejudice based on ethnicity or gender.. you are a righteous judge.

Blessed are you Lord.. for your eye is on those who fear you.. on those who hope in your steadfast love.. hoping in you and your deliverance from death and provision in hard times.

Blessed are you Lord.. for my soul waits for you.. you are my help and my shield. My heart is glad in you because I trust in your holy name.

Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon me and move through me as I hope in you.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

Praying Psalm 32

I am blessed Lord.. I am forgiven.. my sin is washed away.. you do not remember my iniquity.. you have cleansed my heart of deceit.

I will not keep silent, my flesh will cry out to you.. I will not waste away.. you will hear my groaning.. you will attend to my desperate cry.

I acknowledge my sin to you.. I confess my iniquity and transgressions to you Lord.. and I am thankful that you forgive my sin.

Blessed be your name!

Help everyone Lord to offer prayer to you at a time when you may be found.. I know that you will reveal yourself to them and protect them from dangers.

You are a hiding place for me.. you preserve me from trouble.. you surround me with shouts of deliverance.

Blessed be your name!

Thank you for the promise that you will instruct me and teach me in the way I should go.. and to counsel me.. your watchful eye blesses me so much.

Help me to no be not like a horse or a mule that lacks understanding and must be curbed with bit and bridle.. help me to be a man who seeks you.. and hears your voice.

Many are my sorrows when I live apart from you Lord.. even though.. your steadfast love surrounds me.. I trust in you Lord.

Be glad in the Lord O my soul.. rejoice and shout for joy O my heart!


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

Praying Psalm 31

In you, O Lord, I take refuge.. in you I will never be put to shame.. incline your ear to me.. rescue me speedily.. be a rock of refuge for me.. and a strong fortress to save me!

You are my rock and my fortress.. and for your name's sake you lead me and guide me.. you take me out of the enemies snare.. for you are my refuge.. I can trust you with my soul.

I commit my whole being to you Lord.. you have redeemed me, O faithful God.

I pray for those who trust in themselves like I once did.. help them to trust in you the Lord.

I will rejoice and am glad in your steadfast love.. you have seen my affliction.. you have known the distress of my soul and you have rescued me from the hand of my soul's enemy.. you have set my feet on a solid place.

Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am in distress.. my eyes are red from the tears of grief.. my soul and my body also. For my life is spent with sorrow and my years with sighing.. my strength fails and my joints hurt every day.

Cause me to be a blessing to my neighbors Lord and a joy to all my friends. Help me to not feel forgotten.. please heal me.. I am broken.. have mercy and make me wise.

I trust in you, O Lord.. I say, “You are my God.” My days are in your hand.. rescue me from the hand of my spiritual enemies and persecutors!

Make your face shine on your servant.. save me in your steadfast love! O Lord, let me not be put to shame.. I call upon you.. let wickedness be put to shame.. cause demonic forces to silently go to hell.

Help me to speak truth and let there be integrity in what I say.. help me to speak with love and humility.

Oh, how abundant is your goodness.. you have stored it up for those who fear you and take refuge in you! In the cover of your presence you hide them from the plots of men.. you store them in your shelter from the strife of tongues.

Blessed be you Lord.. for you have wondrously shown steadfast love to me. I despaired when I was besieged by evil on all sides but you heard the voice of my pleas for mercy when I cried to you for help.

Love the Lord O my soul for He preserves the faithful and takes pleasure in the humble. Be strong O my heart.. take courage and wait for the Lord!


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

Praying Psalm 30

I praise you, O Lord, for you have protected me and have not let the enemies of my soul rejoice over me. O Lord my God.. I cried to you for help and you are healing me.

O Lord, you have awakened my soul and restored me to life from among those who go down to the pit.

With all of the saints I sing praises to you Lord and give thanks to your holy name.

We are blessed because your anger is but for a moment and your favor lasts a lifetime.. weeping may last for a while but joy is eternal.

My confidence is in you Lord.. in you I will stand.. I will behold your beautiful face.

To you, O Lord, I cry, and to you I plead for mercy.. be merciful to me and hear my prayer that I might tell of your faithfulness to me.

I await the day that you will turn my mourning into dancing and cloth me with gladness.

I will not be silent O magnificent Father.. I will sing your praise.. O Lord my God.. I will give thanks to you forever!


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

Praying Psalm 29

With the Angels and all of your family I worship you Father.. I pledge to you my mind and my strength.. I glorify and praise your name and lift you up in worship.

I am in awe of you Lord.. you spoke and the world came in to being.. you speak still and proclaim your glory over the earth.. in the seas.. in the clouds.. your voice is powerful and full of majesty.

The hearing of your voice causes rejoicing over all the earth and brings life to every created being.. your voice is over all the forces nature.. over every tree and plant.. over every animal.. over all humanity.

All we in your family cry glory to you Lord God!

You are enthroned over all the universe.. you sit enthroned as king forever.

May you give strength to your people dear Lord and bless us with peace!


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

Praying Psalm 28

To you, O Lord, I call.. you are my rock, be not deaf to me sweet Lord.. deliver me and cause me to persevere in joy. Hear the voice of my pleas for mercy when I cry to you for help.. when I lift up my hands toward heaven.

Help me to be one who walks in your ways.. purify my thoughts like fine gold.. help me to live from my heart and trust you with all of my heart.

Help me dear Lord to act in righteous ways.. to spread compassion and truly love my neighbor. Give me a heart that follows hard after you O righteous Father.. one that seeks a kingdom with no end.

Blessed are you Lord! For you have heard my pleas for mercy. You are my strength and my shield.. in you my heart trusts and I am helped.. my heart rejoices and with my song I give thanks to you.

You O Lord are the strength of your people.. you are the saving refuge of your anointed. O save your people and bless your heritage!

Be our shepherd Lord and carry us like lambs forever.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

Praying Psalm 27

You Lord are my light and my salvation.. whom shall I fear? You are the stronghold of my life.. of whom shall I be afraid?

When evil ones assault my soul.. you are there to trip them up and cause me to overcome. Though a spiritual army encamp against me my heart shall not fear.. though demonic war arise against me.. yet I will be confident.

I ask you Lord to manifest your presence in me Lord.. help me to know you are close.. especially in times of trial and trouble. I long to gaze upon your beauty all the days of my life and to be in your presence.

Thank you Lord for the promise to hide me in the shelter of your wings in the day of trouble.. praise you Jesus for the covering you offer.. you are my bedrock.. the one stable foundation that I can stand and build on.

I will sing and make melody to you Lord.. for you have defeated my enemies on the cross.. I will shout with joy.. for you have gloriously saved me!

Thank you Father that you hear me when I cry out to you.. you are gracious to me and answer me.

My heart says to you, “Your face, Lord, do I seek.”

I am thankful that you do not hide not your face from me.. you do not turn your servants away.. O you who have been my help.. praise you that you will not cast me not off.. or forsake me.. O God of my salvation!

Though all forsake me you Lord will take me in!

Teach me your way, O Lord, and lead me on a level path through the camp of the enemies of my soul. Bless you Lord that you will deliver me from the will of my adversaries and all who desire violence to come against me.

With all of my heart I believe that I shall look upon your goodness dear Lord.. both here on earth and also in heaven.

Wait for the Lord O my soul.. be strong and take courage my heart.. wait for the Lord!


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

Praying Psalm 26

Praise you O Lord.. you protect me and cause me to walk in integrity.. you strengthen me and fortify my trust in you.

Your steadfast love is before my eyes and causes me to walk in your faithfulness.

Manifest your wisdom in me Lord that I would recognize those who live in falsehood and hypocrisy. Help me to reject the gatherings of those who practice wickedness and cause me to recognize evil.

My desire is to walk in innocence dear Father and live a sacred life devoted to you.. and proclaim your praise with much thanksgiving telling all your wondrous deeds.

O Lord thank you for living in my heart.. making it a temple of the Holy Spirit.. glorify yourself in me O God.

Help me Lord to be on the alert.. endow my heart with wisdom that I will know how to respond to unrighteousness and how to show your love to those who do not know you.

I commit myself to walk in integrity knowing that you have redeemed me.. please be gracious to me.

You cause my feet to stand on level ground.. with my brothers and sisters in the faith all over the world I will bless you Lord.

Praise the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His holy name!


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.