Praying Psalm 30

I praise you, O Lord, for you have protected me and have not let the enemies of my soul rejoice over me. O Lord my God.. I cried to you for help and you are healing me.

O Lord, you have awakened my soul and restored me to life from among those who go down to the pit.

With all of the saints I sing praises to you Lord and give thanks to your holy name.

We are blessed because your anger is but for a moment and your favor lasts a lifetime.. weeping may last for a while but joy is eternal.

My confidence is in you Lord.. in you I will stand.. I will behold your beautiful face.

To you, O Lord, I cry, and to you I plead for mercy.. be merciful to me and hear my prayer that I might tell of your faithfulness to me.

I await the day that you will turn my mourning into dancing and cloth me with gladness.

I will not be silent O magnificent Father.. I will sing your praise.. O Lord my God.. I will give thanks to you forever!


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