Praying Psalm 33

I am shouting for joy to you Lord.. and giving thanks to you with my voice.. with all that is in me I sing to you a new song.. you are worthy of my praise Lord!

Your word is upright and all your work is done with faithfulness toward me.. you love righteousness and justice.. all the earth is filled with your steadfast love.

I am in awe of how the heavens were made by your word and by the breath of your mouth all their host was formed.. by your provision the seas and lands exists.. and the water rains down on the land and moistens it.

Cause all the earth to fear you Lord.. let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of you! Help them to see how you spoke and all came to be.. how you commanded and established every good thing.

You are powerful Lord.. you bring the counsel of the nations to nothing.. you frustrate ungodly plans.. your counsel is trustful.. it stands forever.. the plans of your heart endure for all generations.

I ask you for our nation dear Lord.. make our paths straight and our laws to be righteous ones.. help us to be on your side in all things.

Blessed are you Lord.. for all men are equal in your sight.. you show no prejudice based on ethnicity or gender.. you are a righteous judge.

Blessed are you Lord.. for your eye is on those who fear you.. on those who hope in your steadfast love.. hoping in you and your deliverance from death and provision in hard times.

Blessed are you Lord.. for my soul waits for you.. you are my help and my shield. My heart is glad in you because I trust in your holy name.

Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon me and move through me as I hope in you.


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