Praying Psalm 34

I will bless you Lord at all times..praise shall continually be in my mouth.. my soul will boast in you Lord.. I am humbled by your love and I am glad in it. Oh, magnify the Lord with me all you heavenly host and let us exalt his name together!

I seek you today dear Lord.. please answer me.. please deliver me from my fears.. especially the fears about health and future life. Cause my countenance to be radiant.. help me to never be ashamed about my problems.

I am a poor man Lord.. I am in need of deliverance.. I cannot help myself.. I have many troubles Father.. save me in spite of them.. my hope is in you.. in your provision.. my heart fears your mighty name.

You are good Lord.. I have tasted of your goodness.. I am blessed.. I take refuge in you today. Your name is a strong tower.. with fear I confess your name over all my troubles.. I ask you for wisdom concerning my life.. open my eyes Lord.

Teach me to fear you Lord.. help me to desire life again.. to keep my tongue from evil.. my lips from speaking deceit.. help me to turn away from evil and do good.. to seek peace and pursue it.

Praise you that your eyes are toward me Lord and your ears toward my cry.. that you are near to my broken heart.. that you save my crushed spirit.

My afflictions seem many Lord.. I ask you to deliver me out of them all.. to minister healing to my joints.. to relieve the pain of arthritis.. to heal my wife and cause her to walk again.

I trust in you Lord.. I believe in your redemption.. I know you will cause good to overcome evil in my life.. I take refuge in your great love.


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