Praying Psalm 32

I am blessed Lord.. I am forgiven.. my sin is washed away.. you do not remember my iniquity.. you have cleansed my heart of deceit.

I will not keep silent, my flesh will cry out to you.. I will not waste away.. you will hear my groaning.. you will attend to my desperate cry.

I acknowledge my sin to you.. I confess my iniquity and transgressions to you Lord.. and I am thankful that you forgive my sin.

Blessed be your name!

Help everyone Lord to offer prayer to you at a time when you may be found.. I know that you will reveal yourself to them and protect them from dangers.

You are a hiding place for me.. you preserve me from trouble.. you surround me with shouts of deliverance.

Blessed be your name!

Thank you for the promise that you will instruct me and teach me in the way I should go.. and to counsel me.. your watchful eye blesses me so much.

Help me to no be not like a horse or a mule that lacks understanding and must be curbed with bit and bridle.. help me to be a man who seeks you.. and hears your voice.

Many are my sorrows when I live apart from you Lord.. even though.. your steadfast love surrounds me.. I trust in you Lord.

Be glad in the Lord O my soul.. rejoice and shout for joy O my heart!


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