Praying Psalm 28

To you, O Lord, I call.. you are my rock, be not deaf to me sweet Lord.. deliver me and cause me to persevere in joy. Hear the voice of my pleas for mercy when I cry to you for help.. when I lift up my hands toward heaven.

Help me to be one who walks in your ways.. purify my thoughts like fine gold.. help me to live from my heart and trust you with all of my heart.

Help me dear Lord to act in righteous ways.. to spread compassion and truly love my neighbor. Give me a heart that follows hard after you O righteous Father.. one that seeks a kingdom with no end.

Blessed are you Lord! For you have heard my pleas for mercy. You are my strength and my shield.. in you my heart trusts and I am helped.. my heart rejoices and with my song I give thanks to you.

You O Lord are the strength of your people.. you are the saving refuge of your anointed. O save your people and bless your heritage!

Be our shepherd Lord and carry us like lambs forever.


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