Praying Psalm 79

Let your kingdom come O God.. manifest your presence on the earth and convict the world of sin. Come Holy Spirit.

Many are our trespasses Lord.. we are in need of you.. cause us to see you.. help us to repent.. forgive us our sins.

Help us, your people, to be salt and light in the world.. cause us to be united under your banner of love.. change us and change the world for your glory.

We ask you to bring unity to the body of Christ.. we humble ourselves and repent for the times that we have sown discord amongst your family.

Thank you Lord for forgiveness.. thank you that you do not remember our former iniquities.. your compassion has come to us and we are glad.

Our sins have brought us very low but you have helped Lord.. for the glory of your name you have delivered us and cleansed us from our sins.

For your name's sake embolden us to live lives pleasing to you.. empower us to love with unconditional love.. give us your heart for people.

Let the groans of prisoners come before you Lord.. according to your great power have mercy on those who pray on death row.

We your people are the sheep of your pasture.. we will give thanks to you forever.. from generation to generation we will praise you.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

Praying Psalm 78

Teach me Lord and fill my heart with your understanding.. help me to know you and to know wisdom.. I need your presence.

Teach me to set my hope in you Lord and not forget your works in my life.. thank you for writing your word on my heart.. and for giving me a soft heart.

Teach me to always remember your ways.. help me to be faithful to the scriptures.. cause them to guide me always.

Teach me to walk in purity Lord.. guard my heart against immoral and faithless thoughts.. forgive me and cleanse me.

Teach me about your love Lord.. bless me to know how to love.. enable me to walk in the Spirit.. to let your love flow from my heart.

Teach me to rely on your provision Father.. with my heart I will trust you.. I entrust my future to you.. you are sovereign.. I hope in you.

Teach me to know that you are my rock and that all stability comes from you.. there is no foundation but yours Lord.. in you I have stability.

Teach me the ways of compassion Lord and of a steadfast heart.. cause mercy to spring from my soul when a desire to judge waxes bold.

Teach me to lean on you Lord.. remove all rebelliousness from me.. help me to flow with you and to not provoke you.. you are Lord.

Teach me to be humble Lord.. to remember what I have read in the bible.. help me to learn from the lives of others.

Teach me to follow the Great Shepherd as an innocent lamb.. help me to have the faith of a child and the trust of a young one.. I commit myself afresh to you.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

Praying Psalm 77

I cry aloud to you Lord.. I will not couch my words.. I will speak openly and plainly to you.. and you will hear me.

Both in times of trouble and times of ease I will seek you Lord.. when my soul has no comfort and also when it is in peace I will pray.

I will remember you Lord.. both in moaning and in travail I will pray.. in rejoicing I will come to you.. you are ever with me.

You sustain me Lord.. you minister to every part of my body.. even when I am so troubled that I cannot speak.. you hear my silent prayer.

I consider the days of old.. the years long ago.. and I see the sweetness of your presence in my life.. you are and have been faithful to me.

Your steadfast love is forever.. it will never cease.. your promises are sure.. your graciousness rules eternity.. your compassion overrules anger.. you are good!

I will remember your loving deeds O Lord.. I will consider the miraculous acts that you have done in the scriptures.

Yes, I will remember your wonders.. I will ponder all your work and meditate on your mighty deeds.. you are the Almighty One!

Your way, O God, is holy. What god is great like you God? You are the God who works wonders; you have made known your might among the nations.

You have redeemed your people.. in every place on earth and to every man, woman and child.. the gift of redemption is there.

You rule all of your creation Lord.. you rule the seas.. the rain.. lightning and thunder.. all of the elements bow to your will.

You have led and you will lead your people as a shepherd leads his flock.. you are the Good Shepherd!

All praise to you Lord Jesus Christ!!


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

Praying Psalm 76

In Jesus God is known.. his name is great in all the earth.. He is alive and ever lives in heaven making powerful intercession.

The glory of the mountains and the splendor of the oceans pale in comparison to Jesus.. His name is beautiful and to be praised.

The Son of God reigns in heaven.. His dominion has no end.. from eternity past to eternity future He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

No one can stand before Him.. all peoples are unclean in His presence.. it is only by His blood that mankind can stand before His throne.

You have established righteousness O Lord.. your judgment is right all together.. your Son's blood bought our salvation.. we are forgiven because of His obedience.

We will humble ourselves in your presence dear Lord.. we can boast of nothing save the cross.. we have nothing to give you except ourselves.

One day all flesh will acknowledge your kingship.. one day every knee will bow to you.. have mercy on all flesh and draw us to you now.

Praise to you Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

Praying Psalm 75

I give thanks to you, O God.. I give thanks for you are near.. you have promised to never leave. You have done great things!

My hope is in you Lord.. my trust is in your justice.. though life seems unfair for the moment you have marked a day to judge all flesh.. you are righteous Father.

Though the earth totters and all is in turmoil.. you O Lord are a solid foundation.. you will keep me safe under your wings.. nothing shall harm me.

All who boast do so in foolishness.. all who brag about all they have accomplished are fools.. better that they boast in you Lord. You have done great things!

Exaltation comes not from the earth dear Lord.. for you humiliate the proud but you exalt the humble. You are righteous in your judgment Lord!

I will magnify your name O humble King.. in meekness you came.. with mercy you walked the earth.. your example is forever.. praise you Lord Jesus.

Come Holy Spirit.. fill us afresh.. empower us to walk in humility.. help us to be people of the cross.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

Praying Psalm 74

You are faithful Lord.. you are with us in good times and bad.. thank you for always being there when we pray.

Remember your promises Lord.. arise in strength.. rescue those who have no hope.. show yourself strong to the weak and downcast.

You have defeated all enemies of righteousness.. evil has not stood.. even death has bowed before you.. you are greatly to be praised.

You have given spiritual gifts to your people.. we are called your body.. you have equipped us with everything we need.

Open our eyes Lord.. help us to see how you have defeated the enemy of our souls.. help us not to wallow in our pain.. help us to arise and see our lives with your eyes.

You are our eternal King.. always working salvation in the midst of the earth.. we praise you Heavenly Father.

Your power is ever evident.. in creation you separated the sea from the land by your might.. you have wonderfully designed all things.

You have provided springs and brooks for the thirsty.. yet what you end no man can revive.. the sun, moon and stars are all yours to command.. all of nature obeys you.

You have fixed all the boundaries of the earth.. you have made summer and winter.. nothing is too difficult for you.

Though people scoff.. though foolishness prevails.. though many mock your name and utter it in cursing.. even so you are patient with them and reveal your beauty to them.

Thank you Lord that you are an advocate for the poor.. you are a promise keeping God who remembers the plight of the downtrodden and the needy.

Arise O God.. defend your cause.. bring salvation to the earth.. cause all of creation to praise your name and worship at your feet.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.