Praying Psalm 74

You are faithful Lord.. you are with us in good times and bad.. thank you for always being there when we pray.

Remember your promises Lord.. arise in strength.. rescue those who have no hope.. show yourself strong to the weak and downcast.

You have defeated all enemies of righteousness.. evil has not stood.. even death has bowed before you.. you are greatly to be praised.

You have given spiritual gifts to your people.. we are called your body.. you have equipped us with everything we need.

Open our eyes Lord.. help us to see how you have defeated the enemy of our souls.. help us not to wallow in our pain.. help us to arise and see our lives with your eyes.

You are our eternal King.. always working salvation in the midst of the earth.. we praise you Heavenly Father.

Your power is ever evident.. in creation you separated the sea from the land by your might.. you have wonderfully designed all things.

You have provided springs and brooks for the thirsty.. yet what you end no man can revive.. the sun, moon and stars are all yours to command.. all of nature obeys you.

You have fixed all the boundaries of the earth.. you have made summer and winter.. nothing is too difficult for you.

Though people scoff.. though foolishness prevails.. though many mock your name and utter it in cursing.. even so you are patient with them and reveal your beauty to them.

Thank you Lord that you are an advocate for the poor.. you are a promise keeping God who remembers the plight of the downtrodden and the needy.

Arise O God.. defend your cause.. bring salvation to the earth.. cause all of creation to praise your name and worship at your feet.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

1 comment:

  1. Bob, your Psalm prayers are like daily manna from Heaven to me. God bless you and Anne forever!


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