Praying Psalm 76

In Jesus God is known.. his name is great in all the earth.. He is alive and ever lives in heaven making powerful intercession.

The glory of the mountains and the splendor of the oceans pale in comparison to Jesus.. His name is beautiful and to be praised.

The Son of God reigns in heaven.. His dominion has no end.. from eternity past to eternity future He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

No one can stand before Him.. all peoples are unclean in His presence.. it is only by His blood that mankind can stand before His throne.

You have established righteousness O Lord.. your judgment is right all together.. your Son's blood bought our salvation.. we are forgiven because of His obedience.

We will humble ourselves in your presence dear Lord.. we can boast of nothing save the cross.. we have nothing to give you except ourselves.

One day all flesh will acknowledge your kingship.. one day every knee will bow to you.. have mercy on all flesh and draw us to you now.

Praise to you Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


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