Praying Psalm 79

Let your kingdom come O God.. manifest your presence on the earth and convict the world of sin. Come Holy Spirit.

Many are our trespasses Lord.. we are in need of you.. cause us to see you.. help us to repent.. forgive us our sins.

Help us, your people, to be salt and light in the world.. cause us to be united under your banner of love.. change us and change the world for your glory.

We ask you to bring unity to the body of Christ.. we humble ourselves and repent for the times that we have sown discord amongst your family.

Thank you Lord for forgiveness.. thank you that you do not remember our former iniquities.. your compassion has come to us and we are glad.

Our sins have brought us very low but you have helped Lord.. for the glory of your name you have delivered us and cleansed us from our sins.

For your name's sake embolden us to live lives pleasing to you.. empower us to love with unconditional love.. give us your heart for people.

Let the groans of prisoners come before you Lord.. according to your great power have mercy on those who pray on death row.

We your people are the sheep of your pasture.. we will give thanks to you forever.. from generation to generation we will praise you.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

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