Praying Psalm 78

Teach me Lord and fill my heart with your understanding.. help me to know you and to know wisdom.. I need your presence.

Teach me to set my hope in you Lord and not forget your works in my life.. thank you for writing your word on my heart.. and for giving me a soft heart.

Teach me to always remember your ways.. help me to be faithful to the scriptures.. cause them to guide me always.

Teach me to walk in purity Lord.. guard my heart against immoral and faithless thoughts.. forgive me and cleanse me.

Teach me about your love Lord.. bless me to know how to love.. enable me to walk in the Spirit.. to let your love flow from my heart.

Teach me to rely on your provision Father.. with my heart I will trust you.. I entrust my future to you.. you are sovereign.. I hope in you.

Teach me to know that you are my rock and that all stability comes from you.. there is no foundation but yours Lord.. in you I have stability.

Teach me the ways of compassion Lord and of a steadfast heart.. cause mercy to spring from my soul when a desire to judge waxes bold.

Teach me to lean on you Lord.. remove all rebelliousness from me.. help me to flow with you and to not provoke you.. you are Lord.

Teach me to be humble Lord.. to remember what I have read in the bible.. help me to learn from the lives of others.

Teach me to follow the Great Shepherd as an innocent lamb.. help me to have the faith of a child and the trust of a young one.. I commit myself afresh to you.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

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