Praying Psalm 55

Give ear to my prayer, O God, and hide not yourself from my plea for mercy! Attend to me, and answer me; I am restless in my complaint and I moan because of the oppression of wickedness.

My heart is in anguish within me; I am afraid of the future.. fear has captivated my thinking.. I need your peace Lord.. come Holy Spirit.

I sometimes want to escape the hardness of life.. to fly away and be at rest.. to find peace in a place far away. Rescue me dear Lord.

I no longer find encouragement from friends.. fellowship seems so often elusive.. no one seems to understand my pain.. my soul hurts and there seems to be no remedy.

I call to you Lord.. you alone can help me.. I need you.. save me Father.

In the evening.. in the morning and at midday I utter my complaint and I moan.. you are gracious.. you hear my voice and redeem my troubles.

You are bringing beauty from ashes dear Lord.. I will trust in your providence.. and in your sovereignty I will rest.

I confess that you are working all things together for good Lord!

So I humble myself today O humble King. I praise your name and recognize your rule in my life.. you are worthy to be served!

I am blessed.. though all abandon me.. you will not abandon me Lord.. you are faithful.. you have promised to never leave me.. alleluia!

I cast my burden on you Lord and trust you to sustain me.. you will establish me and set my feet upon bedrock.

Your salvation is forever.. your provision is throughout eternity.. my life is in you.. you have my heart.. I will trust in you.


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Praying Psalm 54

O God.. I trust in the name of Jesus to save me.. to deliver me.. to make me stand.. your name is a strong fortress.

O God, hear my prayer.. give ear to the words of my mouth.. rescue me from this disease that would further damage my body.

You are my helper.. you Lord are the upholder of my life.. I will flourish in trials because of your presence in my life.

I will give thanks to your name, O Lord, for it is good.. from my life I will freely give.. you have blessed me to be a blessing.

You will deliver me from every trouble.. you will be faithful to protect me from all manner of evil.

You are great Lord and greatly to be praised!


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

Praying Psalm 53

You are God and there is no other.. only a fool questions your existence.. those who love the darkness reject your light.. rescue them from their folly Lord.

Look down from heaven dear Father.. see your creation.. open up the eyes of humanity to see who you are.. draw us to seek you blessed Lord.

We are utterly lost and corrupt without you.. even our goodness comes up short.. there is none who really does good.. not even one.

People work evil and seem to have no knowledge of you.. they do despicable acts to children.. even religious people do bad things.. all have sinned.

Send your Spirit to those who wander in darkness Lord.. help those who live in terror.. shower your goodness on them and lead them to repentance.

Come Lord Jesus in power.. bring salvation to the earth.. restore Eden.. come and reign over all the earth.. and cause all the earth to rejoice.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

Praying Psalm 52

In you I will boast O Lord of love.. your steadfast love endures all the day.. your voice is sweet and encouraging.. and I rejoice in you.

You are for me my dearest heavenly Father!

Because of your love I renounce all of the evil in my life.. I reject deceitfulness.. I denounce all lying and manipulation.

Your blood has cleansed me fairest Lord Jesus!

You are faithful to discipline me Lord.. your correction comforts me.. you will not allow me to stray.

You lead me in repentance blessed Holy Spirit!

Show yourself to your people Lord.. cause us to see with spiritual eyes.. instill a righteous fear in us.. help us to make you our refuge.. our place of peace.

Help me to trust you Lord.. help me to know your ways and to not acquiesce to the ways of the flesh.

You are might to save O Lord most high!

Thank you for your presence in my life.. you have watered my soul and drenched my spirit.. because of your steadfast love I will live forever.

Praise you O Lord of eternity.. I will thank you forever.. I will wait for you.. I will offer prayers in your name.

You are great and greatly to be praised!


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

Praying Psalm 51

Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin!

For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight. You are justified in your words and blameless in your judgment.

I seem to be ever inclined to sin.. it seems to be a part of my DNA.. cleanse me Lord and I will be cleansed. Help me to be a man of integrity and a person with a wise heart.. I want to please you Lord.

Praise you Jesus Christ.. on the cross you purchased my salvation.. your blood has cleansed me of all sin.. you have made me whiter than snow.

Help me Lord to know and experience the joy of your salvation.. for in your presence there is fullness of joy.. come holy Father.. fall upon me Holy Spirit.

You have created in me a clean heart, O God.. you have renewed a right spirit within me.. you are nearer to me that the breath in my nostrils.. in that I greatly rejoice!

Fall on me O Spirit of God that I might help people.. teaching them to fear you.. demonstrating your love for them. sharing your goodness and kindness with people who hurt.

Praise you God for you have delivered me from guilt and shame.. I am your son.. you take pleasure in me O God of my salvation.. my tongue will sing aloud of your righteousness.

O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise. For you do not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it.. you are not be pleased with religious acts.. the sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit.. a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not reject.

Have mercy on your children Lord.. those who are weak.. those who are sick.. those who are in trouble.. those who are struggling.. in your good pleasure build them up and encourage them.

On this the day of my wedding anniversary I ask for a special blessing for my wife.. cause strength and healing to rise up in her body.. and spiritual refreshing to drench her spirit.. thank you for blessing my life with Ann.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

Praying Psalm 50

You are the Mighty One O Lord.. you spoke and created all from nothing.. you sustain the universe.. nothing is too difficult for you.

You are involved with your creation.. you are active in the earth.. people pray and you answer.. you desire fellowship with man.

The heavens declare your glory O God.. when I observe the stars I am in awe of your power.. you are the king of all.

You are righteousness Lord.. your judgments are pure.. you are wise and loving in the way that you interact with your creation.

I offer myself to you today Lord.. a living sacrifice.. committed to do your will and so willing to please you dear Father.

Even in my despair I praise you.. though I am sad I will offer up a song of joy to you.. I honor you with my thoughts and my meditations.

You have instructed us to call upon you in the day of trouble.. you have promised to deliver us.. I call upon you today.. have mercy on me Lord.. bring gladness into my life.

Help me today to lean into the scriptures and to trust your word.. give me grace to receive discipline as a son and reproof as a cherished child.

Cause my mouth to be free of evil.. my tongue to speak with integrity.. my lips to not speak ill of anyone.. guard my speech with your Spirit dear Lord.

I remember you today dear heavenly Father.. on this Father's Day I recall your great love for me.. I remember your sacrificial love.. I honor your name.

Show me your salvation Lord.. open my eyes to your presence in my life.. help me to not be deceived by pain or suffering.

I run into your loving arms.. hold me Father.. and never let me go.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

Praying Psalm 49

Praise you Father for you have put wisdom in my mouth and understanding in my heart.. I will meditate on your ways.

I will not fear in times of trouble.. while others put their trust in wealth.. I will trust in your provision for me.

My life is not my own.. the blood of Jesus has ransomed me.. help me to think.. to feel.. and to live as a son of God.

All wealth is temporal.. my possessions will remain after I die.. help me to have an eternal perspective Lord.. and live as a son of eternity.

Pain is fleeting.. suffering is for this life only.. trials are temporary.. though they seem unending.. one day my sorrows will die.

Praise you Lord Jesus Christ.. for you have saved me from destruction.. you have set my feet on solid ground.. you are Lord forever.

Lord help me to remember my blessings today and to not despair over my trials.. cause me to rejoice and enjoy life today.

My life is in you Lord.. my hope is in you.. my destiny is intertwined with your goodness and your mercy.. I will trust in you today.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

Praying Psalm 48

You are great Lord.. you are worthy of my worship and praise.. wherever I am you are preeminent in my thoughts.. I honor your leadership.

Unrighteous kings are brought to nothing.. wicked nations are subdued.. all who oppose your word will come to ruin O Lord.

Have mercy on our nation dear Lord.. do not hold our national sins against us.. shower grace upon us that we might turn to you and live.

Great and mighty are you almighty Father.. all the nations will praise you and worship at your thrown.

I am in awe when I contemplate your steadfast love.. and ponder how merciful you are.. you are renowned and famous for your patience.

Your name is praised in every nation O God and your praise reaches to the ends of the earth.. your legacy is great.. we are the people of your inheritance.

You are filled with righteousness.. your people rejoice and dance because of it.. the heavenly hosts worships at the sound of your holy name.

For all eternity you are worthy Lord Jesus Christ.. you are God forever.. your kingdom is an eternal one.. you will guide us forever.

Come Holy Spirit!


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

Praying Psalm 47

You are worthy to be praised O Lord most high.. my hands worship you.. my voice shouts out with songs of joy.. you have conquered death!

For you O Lord are the Most High.. you are to be feared.. I am in awe of you.. you are a great king over all the earth.. ruling the nations in love.

I bow down to you mighty Father.. I worship you Lord Jesus.. words cannot express my desire for you O Spirit of God.

You have done miracles O Lord.. in majesty you will return to the earth.. one day every being will bow at your feet.. and all the earth will praise you.

I sing praises to your name O Lord.. glory to your name.. for your name is great and greatly to be praised.. blessed be the name of Jesus.

You reign over the nations.. you sit on your holy throne.. you reign with justice.. showering mercies and compassion on your people.

You are a protector of the righteous.. you are highly exalted.. you are worthy to be praised.. I worship you Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

Praying Psalm 45

My heart overflows with pleasure when I ponder your love.. your grace.. your splendor and majesty O Lord.

Your throne, O God, is forever and ever.. the scepter of your kingdom is a scepter of uprightness.. you love righteousness and hate wickedness.

My trust is in you Jesus.. you are anointed with the oil of gladness.. even your robes are a sweet fragrance.. people have worshiped you for thousands of years.

You are beautiful beyond my comprehension.. nothing I could offer you could enhance your loveliness.. you are glorious.. I worship you Jesus.

I make intercession for my children and my grandchildren.. may they all know you and be enraptured by your love..

May your name be remembered and praised forever.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

Praying Psalm 44

O God, I read of your miraculous works in the Old Testament and the miracles done at the hands of Jesus and I am in awe of your power.

Come in power today Holy Spirit!

You are my King, O God.. in myself I do not trust.. I cannot save myself.. in you and your salvation will I boast.

Save me today Lord Jesus!

Though I am seemingly attacked by evil and feel the darts of the enemy.. though my life seems to be a failure.. when darkness has fallen..

I will hallow your name Heavenly Father!

In this time when I feel forgotten by you Lord and my ankles and wrists cry out for relief.. and my flesh is so weary..

I will run to you Jehovah Rapha!

My heart presses in and grabs hold of your grace.. my inner man rises up and says no to my flesh.. I am victorious..

You have won the victory O conquering King!

Sometimes I feel that you do not see what is going on Lord.. it seems that you are asleep and unaware of my pain and my trouble..

Open my eyes O Spirit of God that I might see you!

I confess my love and trust for you my Redeeming God.. you are worthy to be praised!


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

Praying Psalm 43

I feel afflicted Lord.. defend me from the enemy's oppression.. deliver me dear Father from the deceitfulness and injustice of life.

You are the God in whom I take refuge.. yet sometimes I feel that you have you abandoned me as I go about mourning the oppression of the enemy?

Send out your light and your truth dear Lord.. let them lead me.. let them bring me to your holy presence!

I go to the altar of God.. to the cross of Christ.. to God who is my exceeding joy.. and I praise you with everything I have.. O God, my God.

Deliver me O God.. my soul is downcast and in turmoil within me. Yet my hope is in you Lord.. in your power.. in your might.. and in your love for me.

Praise the Lord, my salvation and my God.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.