Praying Psalm 55

Give ear to my prayer, O God, and hide not yourself from my plea for mercy! Attend to me, and answer me; I am restless in my complaint and I moan because of the oppression of wickedness.

My heart is in anguish within me; I am afraid of the future.. fear has captivated my thinking.. I need your peace Lord.. come Holy Spirit.

I sometimes want to escape the hardness of life.. to fly away and be at rest.. to find peace in a place far away. Rescue me dear Lord.

I no longer find encouragement from friends.. fellowship seems so often elusive.. no one seems to understand my pain.. my soul hurts and there seems to be no remedy.

I call to you Lord.. you alone can help me.. I need you.. save me Father.

In the evening.. in the morning and at midday I utter my complaint and I moan.. you are gracious.. you hear my voice and redeem my troubles.

You are bringing beauty from ashes dear Lord.. I will trust in your providence.. and in your sovereignty I will rest.

I confess that you are working all things together for good Lord!

So I humble myself today O humble King. I praise your name and recognize your rule in my life.. you are worthy to be served!

I am blessed.. though all abandon me.. you will not abandon me Lord.. you are faithful.. you have promised to never leave me.. alleluia!

I cast my burden on you Lord and trust you to sustain me.. you will establish me and set my feet upon bedrock.

Your salvation is forever.. your provision is throughout eternity.. my life is in you.. you have my heart.. I will trust in you.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

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