Praying Psalm 50

You are the Mighty One O Lord.. you spoke and created all from nothing.. you sustain the universe.. nothing is too difficult for you.

You are involved with your creation.. you are active in the earth.. people pray and you answer.. you desire fellowship with man.

The heavens declare your glory O God.. when I observe the stars I am in awe of your power.. you are the king of all.

You are righteousness Lord.. your judgments are pure.. you are wise and loving in the way that you interact with your creation.

I offer myself to you today Lord.. a living sacrifice.. committed to do your will and so willing to please you dear Father.

Even in my despair I praise you.. though I am sad I will offer up a song of joy to you.. I honor you with my thoughts and my meditations.

You have instructed us to call upon you in the day of trouble.. you have promised to deliver us.. I call upon you today.. have mercy on me Lord.. bring gladness into my life.

Help me today to lean into the scriptures and to trust your word.. give me grace to receive discipline as a son and reproof as a cherished child.

Cause my mouth to be free of evil.. my tongue to speak with integrity.. my lips to not speak ill of anyone.. guard my speech with your Spirit dear Lord.

I remember you today dear heavenly Father.. on this Father's Day I recall your great love for me.. I remember your sacrificial love.. I honor your name.

Show me your salvation Lord.. open my eyes to your presence in my life.. help me to not be deceived by pain or suffering.

I run into your loving arms.. hold me Father.. and never let me go.


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