Praying Psalm 49

Praise you Father for you have put wisdom in my mouth and understanding in my heart.. I will meditate on your ways.

I will not fear in times of trouble.. while others put their trust in wealth.. I will trust in your provision for me.

My life is not my own.. the blood of Jesus has ransomed me.. help me to think.. to feel.. and to live as a son of God.

All wealth is temporal.. my possessions will remain after I die.. help me to have an eternal perspective Lord.. and live as a son of eternity.

Pain is fleeting.. suffering is for this life only.. trials are temporary.. though they seem unending.. one day my sorrows will die.

Praise you Lord Jesus Christ.. for you have saved me from destruction.. you have set my feet on solid ground.. you are Lord forever.

Lord help me to remember my blessings today and to not despair over my trials.. cause me to rejoice and enjoy life today.

My life is in you Lord.. my hope is in you.. my destiny is intertwined with your goodness and your mercy.. I will trust in you today.


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