Praying Psalm 53

You are God and there is no other.. only a fool questions your existence.. those who love the darkness reject your light.. rescue them from their folly Lord.

Look down from heaven dear Father.. see your creation.. open up the eyes of humanity to see who you are.. draw us to seek you blessed Lord.

We are utterly lost and corrupt without you.. even our goodness comes up short.. there is none who really does good.. not even one.

People work evil and seem to have no knowledge of you.. they do despicable acts to children.. even religious people do bad things.. all have sinned.

Send your Spirit to those who wander in darkness Lord.. help those who live in terror.. shower your goodness on them and lead them to repentance.

Come Lord Jesus in power.. bring salvation to the earth.. restore Eden.. come and reign over all the earth.. and cause all the earth to rejoice.


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