Power of prayer

We extremely underestimate the power of PRAYER in our lives.

We extremely underestimate the power of PRAYER in the lives of others.

The greatest power from God has been given to us upon our conversion and we just ignore it.

Neglect it.

Forsake it.

And the thing is, many of us have seen the power of PRAYER at work. Many of us have experienced the power of PRAYER in our lives. Many of us have witnessed the power of PRAYER in the lives of others.

So we SEE, and we EXPERIENCE, and we WITNESS...

And yet we just flat out leave prayer- authentic fervent prayer- right out of our lives.

As I was studying the book of Job, I was sadly growing weary of Job’s friends accusing him of heinous sin. I was growing weary of Job’s lamenting...

And I felt guilty because I couldn’t even imagine what Job had been through. I couldn’t imagine the loss he had suffered. The pain that had been inflicted upon him.

But then I read something that spoke deeply.

God is speaking to Job’s friends. He is rebuking them and telling them that they haven’t been truthful about Himself. That their theology misrepresents Him. He commands them to repent. To offer sacrifices for their sin.

And then he says,

“Then my servant Job will pray for you. I will surely accept his prayer...” (Job 42:8)

Job prayed.

The one who needed prayers so desperately prayed for others.

Even in his desperate condition and much afflicted state... he prayed for his friends and the LORD accepted that prayer.

Then the beauty comes.

After Job prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes. Doubled his possessions.


An outpouring of GRACE.

PRAYER is a beautiful gift from God. One that we must take seriously. One that we must not neglect or ignore. One that we must dole out to others generously.

I pray that we open our eyes to the importance and necessity of prayer for ourselves as well as for others.

So we can see, and experience, and witness its POWER and be forever changed by it.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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