God is the center

Saving and wondrous God,
In the time You walked upon this earth, and in Your time became one of us to show what we could become. Remind us always as we look at our lives in comparison with Yours that at the center of all things is Your saving grace.
In your time, Mighty God You will come in glory. And in your time gather the harvest from one end of this earth to the other. Remind us always, in times of plenty and in times of famine that at the center of all things are Your mercy. 
There is a transformation that takes place within the warmth of your embrace. We acknowledge that You are our refuge, shelter, fortress and stronghold, against which no army can succeed. 
You give a love that knows no bounds.
Remind us that You are God, and that we are lost outside of Your embrace.
You are the center of all things.

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