peace in the midst of noise and unrest

"Gideon built an altar to the Lord there and named it Yahweh-Shalom."

The names used to describe God in the scriptures tell us much about the character of God. The title Yahweh-Shalom, translated “the Lord is peace”, given here by Gideon in the book of Judges, speaks to me. When I meditate on the names of God this one is especially comforting. So often life is anything but peaceful and we need to ask the Lord to grant His peace.

Help us Yahweh-Shalom to quiet ourselves in the midst of the noise and unrest all around us. Inspire us to remember that peace is a part of your character and a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Cause peace to bubble up from within us when we are afraid and things are out of control. Teach us to release control of our lives and trust you as we walk with you. We commit ourselves to you today. Amen

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