create in me a pure heart

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. -Psalm 51:10


I want to be pure in heart and I know I am not always that way. Please continue to reveal in me all the things that are impure – as you’ve shown me my judgmental nature and my sometimes feelings of spiritual arrogance. I am so sorry and I repent. Help me to be a reflection of Jesus as I learn and grow. To look at myself only, instead of sometimes looking around at my fellow believers, frustrated and wondering why people don’t get “it”. And the “it” varies – sharing Jesus, suffering with each other, reaching out to the poor.

Create in me a pure heart O God. Let my passions and convictions be totally for Your work in me.

In Jesus’ Name
- a prayer from my friend Jill Hollis

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