Words of Wisdom from John Baillie ~ The Diary of Private Prayer

This little book has been a source of encouragement, inspiration, and conviction in my spiritual journey.  I've been reading it for years upon years and it always speaks to me.  It's written in the old English style and a little harder to read, but oh the joy that comes from meditating on it.  Next to my Bible, this has been a wonderful devotional companion.

"Today, O Lord -
let me put right before interest:
let me put others before self;
let me put the things of the spirit
before the things of the body,
let me put attainment of noble ends
above the enjoyment of present pleasures:
let me put principle above reputation;
let me put Thee before all else.
O Thou the reflection of whose transcendent glory did once appear unbroken
 in the face of Jesus Christ,
give me today a heart like His -- a brave heart,
a true heart,
a tender heart,
a heart with a great room in it,
a heart fixed on Thyself;
for His Name sake


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