unspoken prayers

The scriptures tell us that the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. When we do not know what to pray for, the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.

It encourages me Lord that you hear my inner groanings and heartbreaking emotions. When I am at the end of myself you are there upholding me and transforming me.

Help me Lord to be at peace with the idea that I am unable to pray at times. Cause me to understand how precious my tears are to you. Strengthen me when I am too weak to pray.

In all things Lord, help me to trust that you are working in my life and helping me even when I do not have the words to pray. Thank you for the grace that you extend to me even when all I have are unspoken prayers and times of prayerlessness.

To you Father, I surrender my life again knowing that you love me and are for me.


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