Request for Humility

We live in an age of self promotion. Because of that, humility has become a rare commodity. Now humility is not putting ourselves down, but realizing that everything we are and have comes from God, and that we need to look at it realistically.


Help us to remember who we are. Help us to realize that everything we are and have is based on Your creation and Your salvation. Help us live, not to glorify ourselves, but You. And help us not to deny the real strengths you give us, but to recognize them as from You, to be used in your service,

In Jesus' Name,

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Mike ~ how timely your prayer. I just started a new Bible Study called Seeking Him, and the first lesson is on humility. It's where we's where we end...and all in between. Thanks!!! I really appreciated this.

    1. I agree. Humility is one of the essential principles of the Christian life. After all we serve a God who humbled Himself to save us.


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