He's Holding My Hand

Dear Lord,
I'm late again. Late posting here. I wanted to thank You for being in control of my week. It's been a week of surprises starting with a sudden job interview. I don't know where this adventure will take me (or us) but if You are with me, I'll be okay. I have to admit, I was a little over whelmed with everything I've had to put in order this week, but it's come together in spite of my misgivings. The most amazing thing is how You have been admonishing me to trust You. Hold Your hand. Rest. Fear not. Be anxious for nothing. I've been a little anxious, a little fearful, but I'm holding on, Lord, and so are You. Thank You also for those You've put in my path to encourage me in this new endeavor. You always know just what I need.

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